Facebook question

KaylaRyder's Avatar
Wondering if anyone knows what I can do about having a Facebook page taken down... I have tried to report the content but the fb automated message says it doesn't violate community standards.. the page is titled homewrecker at large with the name of my small town included in the title.. it also has a bunch of my pictures along with my eccie reviews on it and links to this site.. the women who made the page has been harassing me through fb for a year and a half, she was texting me like crazy till i finally had to change my number.. she has gotten a hold of my family.. I deleted my own Facebook account but I need this page taken down.. the women is an ex clients wife who i stopped seeing him when she found out and he blew me in to her to save himself.. Instead of taking her anger out on him she took him back and directed all the anger and drama to me.. any help would be greatly appreciated..
: (
ShysterJon's Avatar
Check your PMs.
Lüstern's Avatar
Unless you have some sort of credible threat on your life stemming from the page there isn't much FB is going to do about it. You may try reporting it repeatedly hoping a person actual looks at it, most of the reports are handled by a computer.

That said I've never understood this kind of crap. Why invest your energy into something like this? She isn't going to loose her husband to a working girl....
Jannisary's Avatar
Unless you have some sort of credible threat on your life stemming from the page there isn't much FB is going to do about it. . Originally Posted by Lüstern
You are just plain wrong.

Harassment is plainly against their community standards and grounds for a page to be removed. There DOES NOT need to be any credible threat to someone's life. The initial reports are screened automatically through their computer system. Things get through their system. I'm guessing there are key words that will trigger the system and not so much the content and context of what is being said. Probably eventually Facebook with come up with an AI to take care of all that. There are other follow up avenues available if the automatic review is unsatisfactory.In this particular case the page has been taken down.
want2c's Avatar
Unless you have some sort of credible threat on your life stemming from the page there isn't much FB is going to do about it. You may try reporting it repeatedly hoping a person actual looks at it, most of the reports are handled by a computer.

That said I've never understood this kind of crap. Why invest your energy into something like this? She isn't going to loose her husband to a working girl.... Originally Posted by Lüstern

It's called "doxing" and FB will jump in
Just keep reporting it. Facebook has a lot of people working in that department and all you need is one to to remove it.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Just keep reporting it. Facebook has a lot of people working in that department and all you need is one to to remove it. Originally Posted by SkylerScarlett
You may want to READ a thread before posting on it. Jannisary posted a month ago that the page has been taken down. I can confirm that.

Also, you joined in Nov. 2014, but you're not verified and you have no reviews? What's up with that? Please read the following thread and get verified:

ck1942's Avatar
Not sure if this might apply in future issues, but surely FB would at least quickly respond to complaints about copyrighted materials being mis-used. Especially if the material showed a "copyright" legend belonging to the complainant.
I hav a review..

You may want to READ a thread before posting on it. Jannisary posted a month ago that the page has been taken down. I can confirm that.

Also, you joined in Nov. 2014, but you're not verified and you have no reviews? What's up with that? Please read the following thread and get verified:

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1514810 Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Though this is not good advice I did something similar to someone who was harassing me. Jist of it is his wife and I used to be friends long before he married her and we had a falling out. So she took it upon herself to convince her hubby to put up a slander page etc... Mind you he does I.T. work for a living so him doing this put in in a gray area called "cyber stalking/harassing" which I looked up.. are felonies. Minor ones but still computer felonies.

So I did the following.. because he had photos of me I filed a DMCA take down on the site.. they complied.. he put it back up .. they closed his account. He moved to a different hosting company and ramped up the slander... I then contacted them about the hate speech that violated their AUP/TOS.. the site came down.. He them moved the site to some rinky dink hosting company that did not give a shit.

So I took it to his company.. seems I ran some internet spiders (bots that can grab content of a site, including file dates etc.. it gets a bit complicated but I ran this daily and knew what day and time any files were touched)

Some of the time/date stamps would indicate he was doing this from work.. so I contacted his work and their legal department indicating that I would be getting a legal order to peruse their server logs on his activity. Should it show him using their network to modify the site they would be listed as accomplices on the suit.

6 weeks later he wanted to make nice and took the site down. I told him he has to sign a legal binding agreement to NEVER put the site up again and his company lawyers would have to witness it. Turns out they were happy to.

I later found out that because I brought his activity to his company's attention and that they might be legally drug into things, he got painted a nice color of "Liability Lavender" and in Texas a "Right to work / At Will " state... his company mentioned to him he either settles this or they let him go and cut their losses.

Point to the ramblings is sometimes fighting fire with fire works... this woman is attacking you.. PM me as to a nice idea for retaliation.
I hav a review..

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1236991 Originally Posted by SkylerScarlett
From a member with one post and one review, if I am reading the numbers correctly (forgive, me, I am older than Shin High Idol Towers).