Alexis love

cmore197474's Avatar
Hey Alexis, I bet the Chiefs win another superbowl before the Rockies win their first world series.
JCM800's Avatar
Moved here from Coed.
cmore197474's Avatar
Thanks .jcm ... However she did offer specials if the Chiefs made the superbowl so doesn't that make it hobbby related?
JCM800's Avatar
Chiefs and The Super Bowl? what year are we talking here?
Hey Alexis, I bet the Chiefs win another superbowl before the Rockies win their first world series. Originally Posted by cmore197474
cmore, you do realize that for either of you to win this bet, one of the aforementioned teams has to win... Could be a long wait either way...
However she did offer specials if the Chiefs made the superbowl so doesn't that make it hobbby related? Originally Posted by cmore197474
Chiefs and The Super Bowl? what year are we talking here? Originally Posted by JCM800
Well, he did say "if"... ROFL
cmore197474's Avatar
it's ok... i don't sit well with donkey fans,... no matter how beautiful.
cmore197474's Avatar
Well what does she have to say now????