"Parking Wars" and the Decline of the United States

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If you watch the show "Parking Wars" you can see the underlying reason for the decline of the United States. In spite of all our great resources, people, inventions, and glorious history, the future of the United States is exemplified by the many people who appear in that show. Spoiled, entitled, broke, and unable to understand the concept of personal responsibility, they blunder through their lives living for the next high or scam. Enraged when they have to follow the rules or pay the price, they lash out at the poor meter maids as they attempt to do their jobs and calmly explain the transgressions.
Unless America regains self reliance and personal responsibility, we will continue to decline. I lay this at the feet of liberalism and the nanny state - the destroyers of a great nation. RIP
They are just following the examples set by the likes of Democrat politicians............take the corrupt Sen. Menendez as the latest example....or Harry Reid
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'd be more likely to blame inane television shows for our national decline. I've never heard of the particular show in question, nor do I want to know anything about it. I don't watch any television other than live sports; the odd occasional movie rerun on one of the movie channels (usually with a movie well over 20 years old); and a few news interviews on C-SPAN or PBS. Everything else seems to be complete junk. Just utter garbage.

I now read about three or four hours each night. A far better use of time that I recommend to anyone over television.

I now read about three or four hours each night. A far better use of time that I recommend to anyone over television. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I am inclined to agree but it does depend upon what you're reading!
I am inclined to agree but it does depend upon what you're reading! Originally Posted by bigtex
Posts on hooker boards, what else?
JCM800's Avatar
I now read about three or four hours each night. A far better use of time that I recommend to anyone over television. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
yeah don't read any of this forum for that long
JCM800's Avatar
In have watched one called "Hard Core Pawn". It is set in Detroit, which says enough.

The main jist of the show is allowing what is probably "Obama Supporters" to be their true selves in their natural inviroment.
=Whirlaway;1052386039]They are just following the examples set by the likes of Democrat politicians............take the corrupt Sen. Menendez as the latest example....or Harry Reid[/QUOTE]

You're Just a tired fucking old record.
Wasn't clever,witty......nothing. Just lame.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Parking Wars is pretty amusing, but really all of that stuff is so doctored and edited it might as well be scripted TV anyways so I wouldn't take it to mean it's any sort of real reflection of reality.
You're Just a tired fucking old record.
Wasn't clever,witty......nothing. Just lame.
Moron Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Trendy is like a broken record. His needle's stuck in the groove!
If they actually make a show about parking meter maids ticketing cars and people watch it, perhaps we deserve to decline.
If they actually make a show about parking meter maids ticketing cars and people watch it, perhaps we deserve to decline. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Excellent point!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
cptjohnstone's Avatar
the parking meter was invented here at OkState, my dad worked with the guy

Stillwater is also the home of the first Sonic and Eskimo Joe's is
2nd to Hard Rock Cafe in t-shirt sales