wow--As globe warms, melting glaciers revealing more than bare earth

DallasRain's Avatar
satan666's Avatar
that was an interesting read its amazing all the things this world hides.
Interesting. Have they found our colleague MexMex yet?
No but they may find all the other handles Fritz had or still has!
love2fishfork's Avatar
Interesting. Have they found our colleague MexMex yet? Originally Posted by scorpio31
Now you're going down a "slippery" slope! All the providers are going to get lubed up just thinking about that
I did, indeed, and heard from a few lovely ladies. He is not lost on that slippery slope!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Nice read.
But if the glaciers continue to melt, the oceans will continue to rise.
Thus, pirates may again rule the oceans. Is anyone prepared?
Some are. However, note that the application period for the pirate wench position has closed for the summer.

DallasRain's Avatar
quote--Note that application period for the pirate wench position has closed for the summer.

ARRRR MATEYS...I accepted the pirate wench position last year..............and I did enjoy being the pirate wench!!!!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So the take away is that at one time those areas being revealed were once free of ice. So it was warmer in the past, then it got colder, and now it is warming up again. So I guess climate change is real....and completely natural outside the control of man either on purpose or by accident.
DallasRain's Avatar
I can say this.......I AM SICK OF THE RAIN!!!! lol

I have not gotten do go canoeing or camping YET!

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Anyone know of the Medieval Warm Period? Google it.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Dee, I'm blushing. Thank you. Perhaps consider that you need to spend more time in KC. I've two camping trips and over a half dozen watercraft games so far this summer.

Marcus, some think that period allowed greater/longer seafaring expeditions which resulted in additional world exploration during that period. As an example, Norse settlements in Greenland and Newfoundland. Which some claim resulted in the discovery of North America prior to Columbus.

JD, Dee's original link is "accidents" that occurred in ice fields in the past coming to light due to melt. But, yes, there are cycles of warmth and cold throughout history and Marcus mentions one that is well known to anyone whose spent time in eastern Canada. I think the key is whether man will, or has, caused the cycles to reach levels of warmth (or cold) where certain species that inhabit earth may have survival issues.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
An expedition to Antarctica to study global warming has just been set back by unexpected ice formation growth. True.
dumars's Avatar
Global warming is a liberal conspiracy! Ask BigDeal!
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Global warming is a liberal conspiracy! Ask BigDeal! Originally Posted by dumars

Oh so now Im a liberal dont know what the fuck I am...but keep guessing.
BTW how that poll goin?

Your stats say "free loader"

seems appropriate