Setting up referrals in Amarillo?

KipKasper's Avatar
Hey all, not really new here but my first time back since having found out just today that Eccie was back up and running again. I thought this would be the time to go ahead and look into setup referrals. I'm not sure where to begin so any and all instruction/advice is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

CryptKicker's Avatar
This belongs in COED
What do you mean by "setup referrals"?
Celestedoll915's Avatar
I think he means to getting established with a few ladies by booking so can have some referrals to back him up
I think he means to getting established with a few ladies by booking so can have some referrals to back him up Originally Posted by Celestedoll915
Ahhhh... Thanks.
Uhh,.. you give info to a lady, you meet, have a good time and ask if you can use her as a referral. Has
Not really changed since the site came back.