US and Russia reach deal on Syria's Chemical Weapons.

A key component of the deal will be that the UN will send in Weapons Inspectors by November of this year.

Now that there is a commitment for UN Weapons Inspectors in Syria, perhaps it is time for the US to consider a full scale invasion of Syria. To hell with the 'mamby-pamby' weapons inspecting. Let's get down to the nitty gritty and use the highly successful "Dubya" model, that was used in Iraq.

I believe Obama should immediately authorize a full scale invasion of Syria by no later than mid November. He should follow the invasion with a January 1, 2014, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" Photo Op, errrrr Press Conference on the deck of the Aircraft Carrier Abraham Lincoln.

I believe it would also be a great idea to have Obama land on the Abe wearing a Naval Aviator's flight suit! Geez, just think of the possibilities! The entire world will watch as the President of the United States struts his stuff across the deck of an American Aircraft Carrier! That will show those Russians who the "Decider in Chief" really is.

Hmmmm, I bet there will might be an opportunity for an alert photographer to get a close-up, "crotch shot" of the Prez!


The CNN article follows:

(CNN) -- Russia and the United States announced Saturday that they have reached a groundbreaking deal on a framework to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons, after talks in Switzerland.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stood side-by-side as they set out a series of steps the Syria government must follow.

Syria must submit within one week a comprehensive list of its chemical weapons stockpile, Kerry said. International inspectors must be on the ground no later than November, he said.

The framework also envisages the destruction of all Syria's chemical weapons by the middle of next year.

If Syria does not comply with the procedures to eliminate its chemical weapons, the threat of force could be included in a draft U.N. Security Council resolution, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Saturday.

"We've committed to impose measures under Chapter 7 of the United Nations Security Council," he said.

Chapter 7 of the U.N. charter leaves open the ultimate possibility for the Security Council to consider the use of force if Syria fails to comply, but other options will be debated.

Questioned by reporters, Kerry backed off the idea of force, saying he won't specify what the remedy "might be for circumstances we don't even know yet."

He did say that President Barack Obama reserves the right to defend the US and US interests. However, he said, "the president also wants to find a diplomatic solution."

Kerry said the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must allow immediate and "unfettered" access to international inspectors.

But he said there shouldn't be a problem reaching Syria's chemical weapons sites provided the al-Assad regime cooperates, since Syria has moved its chemical weapons into areas where it has tighter control.

This will make it easier for U.N. inspectors to get to them despite the ongoing civil war, he said.

The United States and Russia have reached a shared assessment on the amount and type of chemical weapons possessed by the al-Assad regime, Kerry added.

He praised Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Lavrov for seizing the initiative that resulted in the Geneva talks being called at short notice this week.

News of the deal came after talks extended into a third day.
Don't worry the wingers will say they did it..
Don't worry the wingers will say they did it.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I am sure that LexiLiar and/or his Lapdog Turdfly, Trendy, Marshy, Hanoi COG's ATF "Sweet Ass" IIFFY, JD Idiot and/or his evil twin IB, will soon confer and share their theory with us.

Stay tuned!

A key component of the deal will be that the UN will send in Weapons Inspectors by November of this year.

Now that there is a commitment for UN Weapons Inspectors in Syria, perhaps it is time for the US to consider a full scale invasion of Syria. To hell with the 'mamby-pamby' weapons inspecting. Let's get down to the nitty gritty and use the highly successful "Dubya" model, that was used in Iraq.

I believe Obama should immediately authorize a full scale invasion of Syria by no later than mid November. He should follow the invasion with a January 1, 2014, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" Photo Op, errrrr Press Conference on the deck of the Aircraft Carrier Abraham Lincoln.

I believe it would also be a great idea to have Obama land on the Abe wearing a Naval Aviator's flight suit! Geez, just think of the possibilities! The entire world will watch as the President of the United States struts his stuff across the deck of an American Aircraft Carrier! That will show those Russians who the "Decider in Chief" really is.

Hmmmm, I bet there will might be an opportunity for an alert photographer to get a close-up, "crotch shot" of the Prez!

Originally Posted by bigtex
BigKotex - a stupidshit working his way to a dumbshit! Complete with homoerotic imagery!

BigKotex, taking his GWB hate to his grave - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
LexusLover's Avatar
A key component of the deal will be that the UN will send in Weapons Inspectors by November of this year. Originally Posted by bigtex
For what? You know there are no Weapons in Syria.
LexusLover's Avatar
I believe it would also be a great idea to have Obama land on the Abe wearing a Naval Aviator's flight suit! Geez, just think of the possibilities! Originally Posted by bigtex
"The United States and Russia struck a deal Saturday under which Syria will allow its stockpile of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed by next year — ...".

He has time to qualify for it! .. The "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" moment, I mean.

You gonna jump with him, BT? He might need the swimming lessons!
Does this now leave ASSAD free kill as many Syrian rebels as he wants to with "conventional" weapons?.

The Russians do not want the Assad regime to be overthrown. As reprehensible as Assad is, they can do business with him. They can't with religious fantics.

We, as a Country, can only hope that if it is overthrow, what ever takes it's place will not be a radical Islamic faction.
For what? You know there are no Weapons in Syria. Originally Posted by LexusLover
BigKotex - a stupidshit working his way to a dumbshit! Complete with homoerotic imagery! Originally Posted by gnadfly
It's great to hear from LexiLiar and his faithful Lapdog, Turdyfly! Woof! Woof!
LexusLover's Avatar
It's great to hear from LexiLiar.... Originally Posted by bigtex
I'm glad you clarified that ... since my keyboard is not that loud .. I know you are ..

............. "hearing things" again. You have a good one ... catch any fish?

Or anything that smells like fish?
I'm glad you clarified that ... since my keyboard is not that loud .. I know you are .. Originally Posted by LexusLover

A key component of the deal will be that the UN will send in Weapons Inspectors by November of this year.

Now that there is a commitment for UN Weapons Inspectors in Syria, perhaps it is time for the US to consider a full scale invasion of Syria. To hell with the 'mamby-pamby' weapons inspecting. Let's get down to the nitty gritty and use the highly successful "Dubya" model, that was used in Iraq.

I believe Obama should immediately authorize a full scale invasion of Syria by no later than mid November. He should follow the invasion with a January 1, 2014, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" Photo Op, errrrr Press Conference on the deck of the Aircraft Carrier Abraham Lincoln.

I believe it would also be a great idea to have Obama land on the Abe wearing a Naval Aviator's flight suit! Geez, just think of the possibilities! The entire world will watch as the President of the United States struts his stuff across the deck of an American Aircraft Carrier! That will show those Russians who the "Decider in Chief" really is.

Hmmmm, I bet there will might be an opportunity for an alert photographer to get a close-up, "crotch shot" of the Prez!

LexusLover's Avatar

A key component of the deal will be that the UN will send in Weapons Inspectors by November of this year.

Now that there is a commitment for UN Weapons Inspectors in Syria, perhaps it is time for the US to consider a full scale invasion of Syria. To hell with the 'mamby-pamby' weapons inspecting. Let's get down to the nitty gritty and use the highly successful "Dubya" model, that was used in Iraq.

I believe Obama should immediately authorize a full scale invasion of Syria by no later than mid November. He should follow the invasion with a January 1, 2014, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" Photo Op, errrrr Press Conference on the deck of the Aircraft Carrier Abraham Lincoln.

I believe it would also be a great idea to have Obama land on the Abe wearing a Naval Aviator's flight suit! Geez, just think of the possibilities! The entire world will watch as the President of the United States struts his stuff across the deck of an American Aircraft Carrier! That will show those Russians who the "Decider in Chief" really is.

Hmmmm, I bet there will might be an opportunity for an alert photographer to get a close-up, "crotch shot" of the Prez!

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by bigtex
Is there an echo in here?

BT did you post re-enter and then come out again?
Is there an echo in here? Originally Posted by LexusLover

BT did you post re-enter and then come out again? Originally Posted by LexusLover
BigKotex, taking his GWB hate to his grave - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by gnadfly
I thought that LexiLiar's loyal Lapdog, Turdfly, would be thrilled that I am suggesting Obama use the spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq as a model for 2013 Syrian intervention. Screw a bunch of 'mamby-pamby' weapons inspections. Let's get down to where the rubber meets the road. Shall we?

I have seen the light and a firm believer now. When in doubt, invade! It worked so well in 2003 and beyond! Isn't that right Turdy?

Now I find that Turdy is not on board with my well conceived plan. WTF is wrong with this picture? Was it the way I presented the plan?

Geez, it is difficult to find a loyal Lapdog anymore!

Say Woof, Turdy!
I thought that LexiLiar's loyal Lapdog, Turdfly, would be thrilled that I am suggesting Obama use the spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq as a model for 2013 Syrian intervention. Screw a bunch of 'mamby-pamby' weapons inspections. Let's get down to where the rubber meets the road. Shall we?

I have seen the light and a firm believer now. When in doubt, invade! It worked so well in 2003 and beyond! Isn't that right Turdy?

Now I find that Turdy is not on board with my well conceived plan. WTF is wrong with this picture? Was it the way I presented the plan?

Geez, it is difficult to find a loyal Lapdog anymore!

Say Woof, Turdy! Originally Posted by bigtex
By the time you hear how not to be a cocksucker, it will be approximately a couple weeks too late.