Syria-ous Situation

Iaintliein's Avatar
What a complete cluster-fuck.

Might the downing of a NATO Allie's plane:

And the thread of WMD's (gee, I wonder where those could have come from?)

Drag us into the middle of what the middle eastern mythologists have been wringing their hands over for millenia?

The Russians and Chinese are rushing in apparently.

Maybe this is what Ahmadinejad and the POSITOO have been cooking up together all along.

Who knows, this might all come together just in time for the Mayan calender to end.

Run up those credit cards folks, and smoke 'em if you got 'em!
joe bloe's Avatar
It's time to reread Revelations. Supposedly, America isn't part of Armaggedon. That probably just means we'll get hit by an EMP bomb very soon. I think I'll get out the bucket list and call up a few thousand dollar providers.

Ahmadinejad is probably encouraged by the situation. I'm sure he thinks the Twelth Imam will be here momentarily.
Iaintliein's Avatar
It's time to reread Revelations. Supposedly, America isn't part of Armaggedon. That probably just means we'll get hit by an EMP bomb very soon. I think I'll get out the bucket list and call up a few thousand dollar providers. Originally Posted by joe bloe

I thought there was something about the eagle and the bear etc. Have to admit I've never had an interest in reading it, much prefer the mythology of the Greeks (more sex).
Iaintliein's Avatar
I think I'll wait it out somewhere else, time to check out of here and back to the boring old real world.

joe bloe's Avatar
I thought there was something about the eagle and the bear etc. Have to admit I've never had an interest in reading it, much prefer the mythology of the Greeks (more sex). Originally Posted by Iaintliein

I don't claim to be a Bible scholar, or any other kind of scholar for that matter, but I've always heard that Revelations uses symbolism that makes it appear that America isn't a player in the final battle.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2012, 02:38 PM
who knew america existed when the book of revelations was written?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uh, God did. That is, if the rest of the book is true.

I have an idea. If China and Russia want that pathetic patch of sand, let them pound it. We should stay out of it, and tell NATO to do the same thing.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2012, 02:57 PM
Uh, God did. That is, if the rest of the book is true.

I have an idea. If China and Russia want that pathetic patch of sand, let them pound it. We should stay out of it, and tell NATO to do the same thing. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

thats right, I forgot he knew he was going to send an Italian dude on a recon mission 1500 years later and discover the place ..

no wonder America didnt make the cut for the final show

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, the Vikings were here first, or maybe the Chinese. The Vikings were followers of Asatru, if I remember right, and the Chinese were Confucian. But Columbus was Catholic.

In any event, somebody must have told God we were coming. I have no idea why He left us out of His book. Maybe Bill Ayers wrote it. He left a lot out of Obama's (The New Messiah) book, and doesn't like America either.

But that's just conjecture. I'm not sure Bill Ayers wrote the Bible. But we know there are some here who think Obama did.

Now, to determine how this fits with End Time eschatology, we will need to know whether Obama is following the Bible or the Q'uran. I'm expecting that information will be withheld under the assertion of Executive Privilege.

I'm guessing either way, we'll get into Syria, illegally, and will be just as successful as we were in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2012, 03:37 PM
if billy wrote it its gotta make Opra which explains the whole god thingie

stay tuned
joe bloe's Avatar
who knew america existed when the book of revelations was written? Originally Posted by CJ7
"Who knew America existed" What a bonehead! Arguing with you is like playing T-ball! You make it way too easy.
joe bloe's Avatar
Actually, the Vikings were here first, or maybe the Chinese. The Vikings were followers of Asatru, if I remember right, and the Chinese were Confucian. But Columbus was Catholic.

In any event, somebody must have told God we were coming. I have no idea why He left us out of His book. Maybe Bill Ayers wrote it. He left a lot out of Obama's (The New Messiah) book, and doesn't like America either.

But that's just conjecture. I'm not sure Bill Ayers wrote the Bible. But we know there are some here who think Obama did.

Now, to determine how this fits with End Time eschatology, we will need to know whether Obama is following the Bible or the Q'uran. I'm expecting that information will be withheld under the assertion of Executive Privilege.

I'm guessing either way, we'll get into Syria, illegally, and will be just as successful as we were in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually, America was "discovered" by Siberians who walked across the frozen Bering Strait approximately 12,000 to 20,000 years ago. We call them indigenous people. The rest of us are all illegal aliens. We're just lucky they don't deport us.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I think I'll wait it out somewhere else, time to check out of here and back to the boring old real world.

Adieu, Originally Posted by Iaintliein
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually, the Vikings were here first, or maybe the Chinese. The Vikings were followers of Asatru, if I remember right, and the Chinese were Confucian. But Columbus was Catholic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The Ten Lost Tribes? . . . or was it the Irish Monk St. Brendan the Navigator in a coracle? . . . or the Welsh led by Prince Madoc?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, to get techinical, it was probably Annunaki from Africa, after the Gods from Niburu created humans by cloning a Neanderthal with an Annunaki from Niburu. But everyone knows that.