Sandusky Convicted

pyramider's Avatar;contentAux

Sandusky is being put away now is it over? Or are the prosecutors going to really start peeling the Happy Valley onion?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
It's over for Sandusky.

However, there are still many more child molesters in hiding out there still doing what these depraved souls do to children.

. . . Children molested tend to become child molesters themselves, so unfortunately it's a never ending cycle of misfortune.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Simply amazing. Convicted on over 40 counts, and no one in the Penn State hierarchy knew what was going on. Shocking.
joe bloe's Avatar
I hope Sandusky goes to prison for the rest of his life. They should put in the general population and make him wear a sign that says child rapist. It's ironic that Sandusky apparently used to rape little boys in the shower, because that's probably where he'll being getting raped for the next twenty years, if there's any justice.
joe bloe's Avatar
Simply amazing. Convicted on over 40 counts, and no one in the Penn State hierarchy knew what was going on. Shocking. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Kind of reminds me of the way Eric Holder doesn't know anything about Fast and Furious, and the way John Corzine doesn't what know happened to the missing 1.6 billion dollars at MF Global, and the way Obama didn't know what Jeremiah Wright was preaching, even though he went to his church for twenty years. Shocking.
He will probably meet the same fate in Prison as Jeffrey Dahmer.
pyramider's Avatar
Simply amazing. Convicted on over 40 counts, and no one in the Penn State hierarchy knew what was going on. Shocking. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

This is where the onion starts to get peeled. I would wager that there is a lot more to uncover than Sandusky.
fuck him ,everyone
Pyramider, that is scary.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Might be simpler to simply change the name of Penn State to State Pen.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

For a crazy old coot, you sometimes come up with some really great material!

. . . Hilarious!

Might be simpler to simply change the name of Penn State to State Pen. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You'd probably like me if you got to know me, FastGoon. We could drink beer and laugh at each other's ignorance.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
This is where the onion starts to get peeled. I would wager that there is a lot more to uncover than Sandusky. Originally Posted by pyramider
I think I heard the chairman of the Board of Regents is now under investigation, so when the stone gets rolling IT WILL GATHER SOME MOSS

it is like we have been seeing in the fast and furious, the cover up is worse, ask Martha Steward
pyramider's Avatar
The one prosecutor has never been found, just his laptop without the hard drive.
Simply amazing. Convicted on over 40 counts, and no one in the Penn State hierarchy knew what was going on. Shocking. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That is pretty crazy! I think more adults or even younger people may start or hopefully come forth and help put other men or women behind bars now.I know it may be very hard to tell the world the things that happened but those that did tell hopefully will feel better and less ashamed and get thier lives back in order knowing this guy is in jail.Who knows how many more are out here in the world doing this we may never know.It is sad and disgusting to me.I know it has been said that the ones that do this may have had it happen to them as young kids...Too bad that most did not get help