Nadia Divino No Show and Refused to Refund Deposit

User ID: Natalie08
Date: 11/27/2020
Name: Nadia Divino (Natalie08)
Phone: (440) 490-6459
Email Address:
URL (Profile or Bio Page): -
City: Pittsburgh
State: Pennsylvania
Address: Nowhere to be found.
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: Take the Money and Run!
Duration of Encounter: Multi-hour
Hair Length and Color: Not sure.
Age: Not sure.
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: -
Recommendation: No
Sends thoughts and good vibes over the internet

Don't pay a deposit.
Sucks but alot of these travel girls are selective scammers. Come to a city and have 8 legit apts and then scam 2 or 3 guys then on to the next city.
We even had a post going about not paying deposits ahead of time!! Worst thing to do. Sorry you were scammed.
laserface's Avatar
After my previous experiences (which I've discussed elsewhere on this site), and reading many accounts like this from other guys, it's been my policy for some time that I simply won't ever pay a deposit in advance, and I can not recommend that anyone else ever do so unless it is money that they can afford to simply lose with nothing to show for it.

Not sure how much you got taken for but like stated, do not give deposits.
Is this the Italian girl with the big jugs that did duos with Nikki25 Persuasion? Or am I thinking of someone else?
berryberry's Avatar
This is why we have had a number of posts on this site about NEVER EVER PAYING A DEPOSIT. I don't care how reputable they may seem - paying in advance is an invitation to be ripped off. Period.
You might be able to get this back if you are ballsy. File a dispute with your bank and say you had paid her for something like cleaning services or home health care and she never showed up. Report it as fraud and services not rendered. Or you could not do this and tell her you did to scare the shit out of her.
bkfantasy's Avatar
Sucks but alot of these travel girls are selective scammers. Come to a city and have 8 legit apts and then scam 2 or 3 guys then on to the next city. Originally Posted by J15202
Correct. Then they refute the bad report by pointing to their positive reviews.

For girls that demand deposits because they got burned by no shows, I get it. There are enough inexperienced guys who have never been burned who are willing to pay them.

For guys who have experience, there are enough women who do not demand deposits to keep us busy.

If never the twain shall meet, then so be it.
I read post after post after post after post after post "Do not give a deposit" and guys still do it.

Why do guys still do it?
I read post after post after post after post after post "Do not give a deposit" and guys still do it.

Why do guys still do it? Originally Posted by Chase7

Same reason some women always date the abusive loser, thinking "Maybe this time it'll be different?"
zip2121's Avatar
I read post after post after post after post after post "Do not give a deposit" and guys still do it.

Why do guys still do it? Originally Posted by Chase7
But she really likes me... look at these texts. Im so gonna hit it off with her, show her I can take her away from this life
:r oll1::rol l1:

Who knows, but if you put a deposit with a hooker, you are dumb. At the risk of more infractions, its obvious from the photos where the income is going.

snoopy75's Avatar
I had a couple very positive experiences with Nadia, but she never made me give a deposit. Doesn't seem like the type that would make off with it, but in this business things change on a dime!
Is this the Italian girl with the big jugs that did duos with Nikki25 Persuasion? Or am I thinking of someone else? Originally Posted by PghBill0131
Yep this is her. Whatever happened to Nikki persuasion?