she's full of hot air

DallasRain's Avatar
ask the doc.....
Dr. Chaves,

What causes queefing during sex? My girlfriend does this all the time and I can’t help but laugh. It sometimes breaks up the mood and we stop having sex. I can tell she loses it in the moment and she doesn’t get it back. What can she do to stay in the moment when we’re having sex so it doesn’t ruin it?

Freddy T., Little Rock, AK

Queefs, varts or whatever the kids call them these days are the result of air trapped in the vagina that escapes. Some positions increase the likelihood of an air-filled vagina like doggy style or missionary with the female’s ankles near her ears. Also, fast and deep thrusting can bring in more air. Queefs usually make a noticeable sound that everyone in the room hears.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
It is funny. Some ladies are self-concious about it. I don't mind it.
rachet3375's Avatar
Lets me know I am doing something right! Tickles my nuts to boot
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If she doesn't queef, you clearly aren't doing it right!
Lets me know I am doing something right! Tickles my nuts to boot Originally Posted by rachet3375
LOL! Goof balls!
DR, that's too funny. Especially the last line, .... usually make a sound that everyone in the room hears!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
lol-Chica good one!!!