eholiday's Avatar
Knew it wouldn't take too much longer. All they will do is send the seedier people the claim to be trying to stop to more underground venues, while creating another freaking witch hunt.
Give it a few months to calm down. If not, they will do the same thing as Craigslist, and a new outlet will develop. From What I can tell, the more popular BP advertisers are her and on P411, anyways. There may be some lost in the confusion, but like in most situations dealing with things like this, the interwebs will prevail!!!
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Elections are forthcoming. Meaning politicians have to make names for themselves. I ask myself why now? Why not last year or two years ago? I think they have a precedent case with Craigslist, but three things will never, ever be stopped. 1) Prositution 2) Substnace abuse 3) illegal immigration over the borders. But whenever an elecetd official wants recognition those 3 issues seem to bring positive feedback for them.

To be honest I do not think the government even wants to stop any of the three just a diversionary tactic to get votes. Why are we worried about BP when the economy is as crappy as it is, the joblessness is extremely high, and we still have our boys overseas. Crime is an issue in my mind a crime has to be harmful to another person, such as murder, burglary, robbery, etc. Substance abuse harms the user and IMHO he or she has that right to destroy their own life. Prostitution is an agreement between to consenting adults, who is harmed? Two people enjoy each other and money is exchange, so what, where is the detriment to any human being? But they make for good media and get votes.
Elections are forthcoming. Meaning politicians have to make names for themselves. I ask myself why now? Why not last year or two years ago? I think they have a precedent case with Craigslist, but three things will never, ever be stopped. 1) Prositution 2) Substnace abuse 3) illegal immigration over the borders. But whenever an elecetd official wants recognition those 3 issues seem to bring positive feedback for them. Originally Posted by Outdoorsman
Don't forget gambling!

I honestly don't think it has anything to do about elections. Only elections this year are in VA, MS and LA. If it were to do with elections in other states, they would wait till next summer.

I think it has to do with laziness. It's an easy target. Its also a sexy target that gets plenty of news.

Attorney Generals have almost nothing to do with the economy and most work independently from executive and legislative branches of government. Hell, most AG's and Gov's don't like each other. They are always jockeying for the "glory" and control.
DallasRain's Avatar
somebody always has to bring a "glitch" to the party!
marco2007's Avatar
A glitch? More like a turd in the punch bowl.

They're just pissed because they don't get their cut. Such fucking hypocrites.