A Bittersweet Farewell, Thank You Louisiana!!

Thank you so much for all the well wishes and messages regarding this being my last tour! This is indeed my last trip to Louisiana, and I'm winding down to retirement after the new year. I have enjoyed all of my trips here, meeting all of you guys ,<and girls ;D> and wish you all nothing but the best! I have been so lucky to have met all of you and have been blessed in so many ways over the past couple years. THANK YOU!!! I would have never been able to visit the places I have been, meet the wonderful people I have met, or been given these wonderful oppotunities had it not been for the hobby and all of you. I am to a point in my personal and professional life, to where I am no longer going to be able to travel, and I am able to start to let go of my hobby life and move on with my life... Everything I have planned and dreamed of is finally before me and I owe you all the world. I was able to finish school and I have a RW career , YAY! Thank you for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! The kind words, the emails, the calls, and the licks!!! I will of course be able to still provide references, please just email me.
Kisses, Hugs, and So Much Love!
Great news that everything you have worked for is finally coming your way! Congratulations! I never got a chance to meet you, but I wish you all the best. I'm sure you will be missed by many here!
Enjoy your new life to the fullest!
LilRed's Avatar
Congratulations and best of luck my friend.
Hey before you go Ella wanted me to ask any chance she can get that 4k you stole from her when you claimed your car needed a transmission, then ran off and showed back up Indy? Just let her know , you can reach her via her own site. Thanks.
Congrats and best wishes on your retirement.
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohooooo Amber I sure did like playing doubles with you in Dallas last week!!You rock!

I wish you the best in life sweety!!!
Aww, Thanks girls! Love you guys! Y'all know the deal, call me when you're in Dallas!
DallasRain's Avatar
I will be back there in November & definately will holler at ya!
CocoBrown's Avatar
Dont you think that was something that should have been posted via private message? That post sounded like someone is mad that she is indy now. Dont the elves "graduate" to that since they dont "hire escorts" because no "bad habits" are allowed???? Just asking.....
First you smear a former elf for a supposed activity. Now you smear Amber on a thread where she is informing us that she is going to be staying in Texas. All in less that 36 hours. So classy!

By the way, who is running "thegfegirls" profile now that Ella has gone indy? I would love to know which one of yall is actually making all these allegations.
Thanks for all of the support everyone! It's appreciated whether its good, bad, or UGLY.
By the way, who is running "thegfegirls" profile now that Ella has gone indy? I would love to know which one of yall is actually making all these allegations. Originally Posted by Stick1969
I doubt Ella's gone. She tries out assorted things and then pops up again. That other thread got hidden, but I saw that it had the same type of wording as their older posts.

And good luck to Amber.
  • MrGiz
  • 09-21-2011, 02:57 PM
I wasn't lucky enough to spend BCD time with Amber... but I was lucky enough to meet her at the 1st FQ M&G..... and JEEEEEEEUS KEEEEEEEERIST. . . . that girl is FINE!! Good Gawd Fine!! And Killer Cute to boot!!

I'll miss you Amber... and I never even got a taste!

Best Wishes for your future....

Take Care , Play Safe!!
Thanks Giz! It was great meeting you as well!!
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohoooo Giz...I tasted her for ya....sure was good!!!

amber I luv ya chicky!