American Courtesans, the film screening in Miami and Paris in March...

KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
*This is Important*

American Courtesans, the film is an Official Selection of The Women's International Film and Arts Festival in Miami, FL and of the ECU The European Independent Film Festival in Paris, both screening in March... Why is that important?

For too long our voices as providers and hobbiest have gone unheard. If you've been around a while you know exactly what I am speaking of. Every four years there are witch hunts and stings, just for political expediency and we have no control over what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home. This documentary was done from within the Sex industry and is about us. This is the first time that I know of that us women have been able to cross over in main stream. And this festival is big! Opening night JADA PINKETT SMITH will be the keynote speaker and earlier in the week Halle Berry's new film will screen. And us? We're grateful we've made it so far.

Why am I telling you this? Because I would love for there to be a strong showing from those within the industry and our friends, at the screening. VERY IMPORTANT, as I believe if we stick together our voices will be heard.
American Courtesans will be screening in Downtown Miami, on March 23, 2013. For the trailer and more about American Courtesans please see our site at

To find out more about the film festival and to buy tickets, for the screening in downtown Miami on Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 12 noon, please see the Festival Website at

This film festival is put on by the Women's Institute for Film, Media, and Communications, but anyone can attend as the film is playing at a regular theater.

The right afterwards, AC will be screening at the ECU The European Independent Film Festival on March 31st, at 3:25 PM at the Les 7 Parnassiens 98 Boulevard du Montparnasse 75014 Paris, France and of course, we would love to see you there as well. To buy tickets,

Thanks, kristen
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
I can't wait!!
The trailer looks pretty good! Congratulations ladies. Id like go to the screening, but I'm having a hard time figuring out the tickets.
The trailer is nice............Hope it does well..........
jsparrow's Avatar
Someone's really trying to promo this, Right?

You're in the wrong place. Should be here in ATX for SXSW!!