OraQuick 20 minute HIV Oral Home mouth swab test, provider friendly?

gimme_that's Avatar
There is an agressive advertising campaign for these new home HIV test. It only requires a mouth swab and twenty minutes. I was wondering about two scenarios: For Hobbying and a New serious dating relationship and the proper ettiquette for it.

Here are my questions as to how it maybe useful.

1. Since many hobbyist and providers proclaim they get tested securely every few months or so, would you consider it intrusive if either participant pulled one out and asked you to take it in order to proceed with the appointment? How would you ask?

2. Would you support it as an actual category on p411 offered activities list similar to "female condom friendly" or "BBBJ."

3. If a provider asked you to take one as part of her screening and meet and greet time before activities started, would that hinder you from seeing her. Should she consider that an alert or issue? Why or why not?

4. If a hobbyist asked a provider to take one would that effect you ladies mood or would you consider it notable. Would you consider it a waste of time or money to take the time waiting? If he declined the test would you consider that an alert or issue? Why or why not?

5. If regretably.....the opposite party had been determined to be HIV positive would you just consider yourself lucky and decline or would you pass the info along. If it became a category on a website to verify yourself similar to a p411 ID would you submit to taking the test if a random provider or hobbyist asked you too.

6. In dating outside the hobby with civilians.....would this be more so a no-no or would your thoughts and actions be the same. Why or why not?

gimme_that;1052538329 There is an agressive advertising campaign for these new home HIV test. It only requires a mouth swab and twenty minutes. I was wondering about two scenarios: For Hobbying and a New serious dating relationship and the proper ettiquette for it.

Here are my questions as to how it maybe useful.

1. Since many hobbyist and providers proclaim they get tested securely every few months or so, would you consider it intrusive if either participant pulled one out and asked you to take it in order to proceed with the appointment? How would you ask?

2. Would you support it as an actual category on p411 offered activities list similar to "female condom friendly" or "BBBJ." Yes

3. If a provider asked you to take one as part of her screening and meet and greet time before activities started, would that hinder you from seeing her. Should she consider that an alert or issue? Why or why not? Would not hinder. No alert though due to false positives.

4. If a hobbyist asked a provider to take one would that effect you ladies mood or would you consider it notable. Would you consider it a waste of time or money to take the time waiting? If he declined the test would you consider that an alert or issue? Why or why not?

5. If regretably.....the opposite party had been determined to be HIV positive would you just consider yourself lucky and decline or would you pass the info along. If it became a category on a website to verify yourself similar to a p411 ID would you submit to taking the test if a random provider or hobbyist asked you too. Will decline on a positive. Will test upon request.

6. In dating outside the hobby with civilians.....would this be more so a no-no or would your thoughts and actions be the same. Why or why not?

With HIV+ being a terminal disease, unlike other STDs, caution is advised. But if a web site such as P411 has a place for that you must remember that any negative test is only good until you see the next provider or civvie.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I think that test is a suicide trap. After people find out they have HIV, they need to be in the immediate presence of a professional who can tell them that life will go on and this is not certain death.

Counseling and follow up is needed right away and there ain't shit on a “box” or that a "1-800 number” can offer a person in times like this. Human interaction is essential in crisis moments like finding out you have HIV.

Mark my word, people will get positive results from this test and kill their self because of them. I think this test is a huge liability and I would not support it under any pretense.
And what if a hobbyist comes up positive? I could so totally see a provider putting out an alert about a guy who tested positive! Of course, she would be protecting public health rather than protect the hobbyist's identity/personal information.

Also, with that being said, HIV is just one of the many other diseases out there. I'm pretty sure that people would not want to catch chlamydia, gonorrhea, or even a yeast infection from BB sex.
gimme_that's Avatar
Definitely surprised by your response Brooke, but I guess its something to ponder.