EDITED: member 540im takes illegal pics and videos to upload here online and doesn't pay

Member 540im
Gotyour6's Avatar
Your story is all over the place

I doubt you will be here much longer.

You post that they are "illegal pics" but in another post you said he could but said to be discreet with them.

You were upset that he didn't pay you for the pics.

So are you upset he took them with your permission then posted them or are you upset he didn't pay you for them?

member 540im

I meet this member over a year ago in the bar he worked at. I had no clue he was into this hobby. We had a legit hook up. He took pics and video of me during our hook up (this was not an appointment) Uploaded them to this website and then asked me if i'd be interested in getting into the hobby because he put "feelers" out. I have no problem with taking pics and vid just get my permission to post and fucking pay me for it. Originally Posted by ChelseyCox
Sounds like you think you are out money.
Like any other whore you need to be careful who you let take pics.
He would have paid a few bucks to you this would be a non issue.
I knew he took that pic. I did NOT know he took that video.

I did NOT give him permission to post the pic or the video he took without my permission online.

That was an illegal video. And he posted both the pic and the video without my permission.
If you think he did something "illegal"...then get an attorney and/or call the cops. How could he have a phone in his hand while you were having sex and you not know something was up? My clients are no where near their phone during the session. Pay attention to what you are doing and let this be a learning lesson.
pyramider's Avatar

This would be better posted in the Dallas Forum rather than National.

edit: If you decide to participate in the hobby, the linck below should get a thorough read.

Posting that a Hobby friend on this site showed you the pics and video in an area not accessible to providers is another issue. Knowing it's there is one thing. Posting in open forum in many areas that you have and have been given that info is another.

Dallas Staff would be thrilled to know who this is.

Expect a pm.
I posted it in Dallas too. Thank you! Appreciate your help.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
If you think he did something "illegal"...then get an attorney and/or call the cops. How could he have a phone in his hand while you were having sex and you not know something was up? My clients are no where near their phone during the session. Pay attention to what you are doing and let this be a learning lesson. Originally Posted by alaine

Ms. Alaine just for your information you don't need a cell phone to take video. You should google the many different ways creeps can record if they want too. You'd be surprised.
Ms. Alaine just for your information you don't need a cell phone to take video. You should google the many different ways creeps can record if they want too. You'd be surprised. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
True....But SHE is the one that said he had his cell phone in his hand while they were having sex. She has posted a thread about this incident in SEVERAL forums now. The information she gives varies from forum to forum.

Not uncommon, especially on an outcall situation for a guy to have his laptop open and record that way.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Not uncommon, especially on an outcall situation for a guy to have his laptop open and record that way. Originally Posted by alaine

This is a new age we live in and Laptops are just the tip of the iceberg. Check this out:


just helping you out on what's out there.