"Two-Call System"

I have a two-call system for security purposes meaning I will NOT disclose my location/room # until you reach the designated location. It's safe and I don't have to worry about a weirdo driving by stalking my room. Then please don't be rude with me. Money isn't everything to me so if you want to throw a temper tantrum because I wont give you my room number right away and say well I wont come see you and your right next door...that's just dumb on your part!!! I'm not obligated to you and $.80 isn't worth me dealing with an attitude. I'll be letting the girls know who you are!!! Phone number and everything!!!
Hon you need to post stuff like this in the powder room-they make it really easy to achieve access..................saw you had been posting a few "rants".............or if its a real alert put it in the alert section
Im still waiting on the female mods to tell me how to get in there and I don't want to be worrisome
What happened to the good ol days when coed was all about fucking and sucking ...seems like so so long ago.

Not trying to be rude or anything but maybe if you take a little bit more time to screen a little harder and you won't have all these issues like this. Because safety is first.

And what Karla said, post in powder room. request access to the ladies forum if you don't have it.
ms lacy---do you have a website?
i think if you put all your rules in one place (vs various threads)
it may make it easier for the gents & you to have an enjoyable time
-just an idea.
Kitti is right-make sure you tell them all the rules and process beforehand so they will be expecting it
Explain to me how the two call system is enhanced security please. How is it safer and keeps someone from "stalking the room"? It seems a stalker could just as well wait and make the second call and then "stalk the room".

How does two calls make it safer?
I have never really understood the reasoning for the two call system either, but I go along with it. A few girls that I've seen several times still don't give out the room number till the second call. If you screen well I don't think it would matter much, and if a guy is a stalker he's more likely to stalk you after he has paid a visit. I would probably do a text, two calls and a telegraph if it keeps the lady happy though. LOL
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 05-09-2011, 03:15 PM
Well duh!
It's safer because if she gets a better offer or just decides to NCNS you for some reason, then you won't know where she is!

(Kidding ladies, just kidding!)
JusticeMutt's Avatar
Well duh!
It's safer because if she gets a better offer or just decides to NCNS you for some reason, then you won't know where she is!

(Kidding ladies, just kidding!) Originally Posted by riday
+1 (without the kidding)
Chuck12's Avatar
Yeah thats pretty much the point, it keeps you from knowing the room # until it's your time. It helps avoid guys getting there early, etc. Screening should prevent that, but its an additional tool. And to some extent also prevents from guys still showing up whenever a provider decides to cancel (for whatever reason).
I doubt that screening would seriously prevent someone showing up early at the lady's doorstep. Not all people repeat what they did last. Not all ladies take note if someone arrives early at their doorstep.

Give the women a chance to prepare themselves. They are probably scrambling getting the place and themselves ready. Especially if the gent before you overstayed. It's really difficult for a 120 pund woman to remove a 180 pound male by force. Since a lot of guys don't get the hint to go.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 05-09-2011, 06:08 PM
Shit, my 120lb woman got rid of me, a 250lb male without even using force!
(Damn, I'm feeling good today for some reason!)
I have always asked 2 things during screening and that is to verify ethnicity and age. But I guess to keep all these weird ones out I have to start screening harder...any suggestions ladies PM me...
I personally take care of the screening during the Emails, PMs and Convos. My Two-Call system is for my personal time clock. Keep in mind, Meeting has already been set from earlier in the week or day. I prefer to get acquainted over the phone, before any plans are made.

First call lets me know that they are on the way and gives me an idea of how much time I have left to get ready. Second call lets me know that they reached that destination (a couple blocks from my incall), if there is any last minute things to do . . like spray perfume, put on heels or touch up lipstick . . this is the time to do it.

Each and every lady has their own method for handeling the "screening process". Dont be afraid to ask questions . . Ask all you want. I understand that for you age and ethnicity are important factors, but dont forget to ask for Eccie handle, P411 ID, History with sites, email address and most importantly . . references. Take the time to do some research . . verify their handle, read their posts and reviews, send them an email or have them send you one. Have them call you at their convenience, have a nice conversation. After all is said and done and you feel comfortable with the Gent . . Then set the Meeting.

Believe me, these Gentle Men . . will not mind. They totally understand.