The stupidity of America regardless of party

dirty dog's Avatar
The fact that we are sending emergency aid to North Korea is a classic example of the stupidity that runs through out or government regardless of who is in charge, why in the hell are we giving N Korea aid. The people of N Korea know the enemy is their leaders, so what do we gain by sending "OUR" money to them. I guess we should send Iran some cash and a few Nuke scientists while we are at it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why DD, where is your compassion? Your heart? Any civilized country with concerned citizens would never doubt the sincerity of borrowing money from Communist China to send to North Korea. Then our grandchildren and great grandchildren can enjoy the eternal gratitude from the North Koreans as they pay back our generosity with interest and deflated dollars.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
The hell with sending any money to any outsiders. But hay it's the normal if we feed them they will love us call it tricking off.
dirty dog's Avatar
Why DD, where is your compassion? Your heart? Any civilized country with concerned citizens would never doubt the sincerity of borrowing money from Communist China to send to North Korea. Then our grandchildren and great grandchildren can enjoy the eternal gratitude from the North Koreans as they pay back our generosity with interest and deflated dollars. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This is something I have never agreed with, I say fuck em, let em starve, there will be less to kill when the time coimes.
dirty dog's Avatar
The hell with sending any money to any outsiders. But hay it's the normal if we feed them they will love us call it tricking off. Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
We feed them, train them, arm them and then fight them, its time to stop the madness. I wish want you said were the truth cheaper, but reality is its not.
How about are Gov't slow down on their "compassion"...see abouve and our foreign
aid (Israel) and start spreading some of that compassion to US citizens like

Health Care, Veteran support when they come home, Fixing Social Security and Medicare, Education System, Air traffic Computer System (way past it's prime), beefing up Homeland Security Steps (like better tracking of shipments coming into US

The above are just a few...and notice, I said slow down not eliminate stuff in 1st paragrah
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why don't we slow down or eliminate the compassion and maybe, PAY DOWN THE DEBT?
dirty dog's Avatar
Why don't we slow down or eliminate the compassion and maybe, PAY DOWN THE DEBT? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sounds good to me, we should also bring home every member of the armed forces from every country that we have them stationed, place them on both our northern and southern borders. Legalize and tax pot, eliminate the IRS and implement a national sales tax, reduce defense spending, reduce entitlement spending, stop all aid to other countries, dismantle Obama care with the exception of the previous illness provision. Fund medicare and open it up and prorate the premuim price to people who fall below a determined income level and then provide it for free for those below a determined level. There are a bunch of other things we could do, but whats the point its not part of the Dem/GOP agenda.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
DD! My brother from a different mother! Or maybe the same mother, I think my mom got around.
Right on dirty dog!!!!....but sadly your last line is correct

COG, you just crack me up!!!

Throw the bums out....all 537 of them!
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
If I typed or drank better then dirty I would have typed the same thing.