But of course he will get a pass; on the other hand a conservative would get the NBC boot....
Alec fast & slur-ious
Blasts Post fotog in a ‘racist’ rant

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-18-2013, 09:04 AM
There should be no difference in how Baldwin is treated. If that's an accurate report I hope the photog sues him for a bundle and wins.
joe bloe's Avatar
Exactly. If Sylvester Stallone, Jon Voight or Bruce Willis turned out to be racist, they would never work again.

Alec Baldwin is an asshole. Here's a voicemail he left for his eleven year old daughter.
JCM800's Avatar
that guy is a huge douche
Of course he will get a pass. He is worth millions in revenue to the Television Industry, and more important, he is a big Democrat supporter.

Come on, remember that recorded rant he did against his Daughter a while back. If that wasn't enough, nothing is.

But in just about any business setting, public employ setting, or political setting, if you use the "c--n word to describe a black man, you might as well start packing your stuff up and leave the building.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I wonder if he's allowed to have a gun?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-18-2013, 09:44 AM
I wonder if he's allowed to have a gun? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
If he does, he needs to use it. On himself. What a piece of shit he is. Lol
It is always the left, who preach tolerance, but personally do the opposite........the left are scum.................phony scum.
bojulay's Avatar
But of course he will get a pass; on the other hand a conservative would get the NBC boot....
Alec fast & slur-ious
Blasts Post fotog in a ‘racist’ rant

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
A bottle of scotch is a terrible thing to waste. Please don't tell Tina Fey.
joe bloe's Avatar
It is always the left, who preach tolerance, but personally do the opposite........the left are scum.................phony scum. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No. They're real scum.
I use to think actors where just the opposite in real life from the roles they played, but not this guy. Anybody remember this movie.

JCM800's Avatar
ABC... always be closing

great scene... but still a douche
Heres another good one.

joe bloe's Avatar
At least the writer is a conservative. David Mamet came over from the dark side after 911 like a few others in Hollywood. "Glengarry Glenn Ross" was an attack on capitalism, similar to "Death of a Salesman."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It is always the left, who preach tolerance, but personally do the opposite........the left are scum.................phony scum. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You blow your (forbidden topic) with that mouth?

I can't speak to all the right. Nor will I. But you, Whirlyturd, are a worthless piece of shit. I have a lot of friends, family and colleagues who are conservatives. But I respect them.

You are simply a hateful cocksucker.

break time's over bub. Back to the grill!