Brothel on wheels.

I would like to get Rv start brothels on wheels travel states.
Bancroft1957's Avatar
I'd love to be your first stop! Buffalo NY, I'll meet you at exit 50!
I was thinking about doing that myself!
Traveling is fun and I love my men in different locations but...
a day or two without an appointment and your finances start to dwindle quickly!
What are you going to name your new business venture?
Bancroft1957's Avatar
I was thinking about doing that myself!
Traveling is fun and I love my men in different locations but...
a day or two without an appointment and your finances start to dwindle quickly!
What are you going to name your new business venture?
SL Originally Posted by SexiLexi333

There was a young lady in Niagara Falls , that used to do it in a station wagon.(showing my age) She called it "the Shaggin' Wagon"
I like this idea.
How about...
Traveling Tricks or Fuzzy Taco Mobile?
dtymh55's Avatar
LOL, that's a good name for those. I hope some one makes that idea happen.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Although I knew that it's not an original idea, I've actually been in the planning stages of doing this myself.

There is a lady in Alaska who writes about it, too. I'll find the link and post it when I have a bit more time.

Very exciting possibilities!!!

I like it, it was in the Smokey and Bandit movie. Cool idea, bring that rv on to Shreveport,la.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 01-15-2014, 03:00 PM
Guess you could put a for sale sign on it and tell the park managers that it's listed on craigslist to explain all the men showing up to "look at it".
Hot Wheels and High Heels!! I need to trademark this name!!
While it could be fun ... in some states LE can confiscate a vehicle used in the commission of a crime..
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 01-15-2014, 06:10 PM
While it could be fun ... in some states LE can confiscate a vehicle used in the commission of a crime.. Originally Posted by carguy1989

I've thought about asking for an outcall in MY camper, usually I'm too far away from cities to even request the drive though...
RedLeg505's Avatar
While it could be fun ... in some states LE can confiscate a vehicle used in the commission of a crime.. Originally Posted by carguy1989
What crime? We just pay the ladies for their time and companionship, right? There's nothing criminal going on.

But there were at least 36 ladies that thought I was all kinds of sexy and asked me to jump their bones after I got there. Purely coincidence.
I love the Hot Wheels and High Heels name!
Or it could just be named 'The Party Bus'
That would explain the High Traffic aspect.
By invitation only...No LE allowed...buzzkill!
Johnny Law would have to bring a search warrant and/or be 'invited' to enter, being that it would be considered my personal domicile. I am an American citizen and I am aware of my rights! No Mr. LE, you may not have permission to search my personal property.
By the time the warrant was issued, the 'Party Bus' would be en route to its next destination!
Elizabeth, I am a are welcome on 'The Party Bus' anytime!
'The Party Bus' could park in RV parks nationwide!