Soft or Hard?

jughead1171's Avatar
Providers which do you prefer a hard body (guy who works out), average built guy who is not a hard body but also not a soft Teddy bear, or do you prefer the soft Teddy bear couch potato?

Does it make a difference if your guys take the time to work out and muscle up a bit and lose a few pounds? Would you be extra special to one or the other type?

Guys same question. How do you prefer your providers?
Still Looking's Avatar
I like my providers to be there. If there not I'm just jerking off! LOL I take not prisoners. I love all shapes and sizes!

London Rayne's Avatar
Depends on the guy, but most guys I have dated were either tall and skinny or short and built. No major meat heads or wide receiver types.
DallasRain's Avatar
I like the average guy with a little meat on him and you can
give me a soft teddy bear anyday too!

I am not really turned on by the "muscles"....of course I would NEVER turn a guy like that away

But then again I like ALL
I like healthy clients who take care of themselves. Since I am an athlete, of course....naturally, I am more attracted to the athletic type. But overall, as long as the guy is in their healthy weight (not obese) even a little padding, we will have a great time. :-)
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Average healthy works for me, never been a fan of the muscle look, it always creeped me out..A big teddy bear is always nice too
Naomi4u's Avatar
Average healthy works for me, never been a fan of the muscle look, it always creeped me out..A big teddy bear is always nice too
Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
DallasRain's Avatar
I usually in my vanilla life "go for" the bad ass biker look...
but in my hobby life...It's all good!!
London Rayne's Avatar
Ditto. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Most body builders are dumb as all get out too lol. I basically grew up in one of the most competitive gyms around, and most could not really do anything else lol. All they did was look in the mirror and talk about which suppliments made their body odor even worse that week.

I need a man with an actual career and a brain. Anyone can pick up a heavy object and put it back down. Hell, that's not a sport it's indecision!
onehitwonder's Avatar
some get so muscle bound they cant reach around and wipe their booty....true story...I kid you not

edit to add: The only muscle-bound guy that does it for me is "The Rock"
Body type doesn’t really matter to me, it’s what is within a person that counts! The wide muscled up type really aren’t my type, to many muscles are just yuk, I’m talking body builders that pop steroids and probably posses a pecker the size of my pinky.
I like the average guy with a little meat on him and you can
give me a soft teddy bear anyday too!

I am not really turned on by the "muscles"....of course I would NEVER turn a guy like that away

But then again I like ALL Originally Posted by DallasRain
You Go Dallas!!! That's what I'm talking about!!!!
shorty's Avatar
Well Darnit!! Guess I'm out of all the ladies ideal guy. I'm not tall, skinny, muscluar, hung, or very bright. I'm just an ordinary, short guy that has no career and tries to get all the discounts I can from uncle sam and providers.
DallasRain's Avatar
I luv ya already Shorty!!!!!!!!
burkalini's Avatar
I have always tried to stay in shape. I don't lift weights but I do run 5 times a week. It keeps my weight in line and it lets me fuck alot without the little blue pill. I am a strong supporter of things that are good for the heart. I guess I would say I am tall and slender. I think my favorite shape for a provider is either tall and slender or very little and slender. I do like them 5 footers.