Use of video cameras during session

One of the reasons why I hobby is that providers are open minded. For the past few months, I search for providers who allow me to record an oral only session while they wear a mask.

Some providers say they're never asked to do something on camera. But I'm curious. How many actually get asked if a camera is okay? What are your thoughts, hobbyists?
whitechocolate's Avatar
I have done many MFM sessions where the providers love to be videoed!!!
ben dover's Avatar
I take my camera every time but it's rare that a provider will want images taken. I carry it in for two reasons and the other is if someone happens to ask what i'm doing there I tell them i'm picking up a model to go do a shoot. Never say you're doing photos in the hotel.. they don't really care for that. I make a living doing photography so paying them to take photos is counter productive. I will on occasion take a couple but that's about it... BD
RedLeg505's Avatar
I always take my camera and ask if they will let me take pictures. I explain that I often use the pictures as my Avatar here and that generates interest. Usually, they don't have a problem. So do have rules against "action" shots, but regular pics before or after... I seldom get told no.
bule84's Avatar
I love playing on camera, really get into it. Since in most cases a provider does not know and trust you, I think it would be hard to get them to play on camera. I did ask one and she agreed, but I left that out of the review, was not sure if she wanted that published. but she disappeared I wish I could find a local one that would allow it, I would be a regular
I always have my smart phone on me so doing a taped session is always possible. It has been a fantasy of mine even if the provider wore a mask.
I've been lucky a few times. I managed to record a session every month this year so far.
I don't mind being video taped....many of my clients ask if it's cool....
MasterAlan1958's Avatar
on p411 you can do an advanced search for the entire usa + for providers who offer this service, jus saying!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
The request doesn't come up much but i'm video friendly with a mask but even then it depends on what will be filmed (and there is a cost).
The Slut's Avatar
While videos may be very hot. IMHO no good comes from having video evidence of doing something that most of us should not be doing.
HaleyRedXXX's Avatar
I love cameras lol
I love cameras lol Originally Posted by HaleyRedXXX

Ditto ^

I just ask you send me a copy of whatever you take
We offer video services very professional we catch all shotz!!
I'm honestly not comfortable with it because of how video/photos can come back to bite me from behind.

If I do allow it, I require them to sign a legally binding contract (yes, I confirm RW identities) that greatly fines the hobbyist if the product is viewed by anyone but himself especially if the breech is caused by negligence.

So in short....No, I don't allow it for the majority of my clientele.