New Review Link on Profile

tia travels's Avatar
The new option to have a provider's reviews listed via way of clicking her REVIEWS tab on her profile page is wonderful.

Only problem is, my first review that's listed is for a TIA, but it's not me (note the web site address is different).

1). How are these added to this section?
2). Can I delete ones on my own that aren't mine?
3). Can I ADD some of mine?
4). Can I choose not to list them at all on that tab?
5). Can someone eliminate the incorrect review listed under my tab for me?

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-23-2010, 01:34 AM
This is a new feature that is still a work in progress. As soon as the kinks are worked out and it is ready for general use, I am sure information on its use will be made available.
Good morning Tia!

Here are the answers to your questions.

The new option to have a provider's reviews listed via way of clicking her REVIEWS tab on her profile page is wonderful. Thank you!! We have worked long and hard to add this new dimension to ECCIE for our members....but the hard work is yet to come. (Getting caught up. We have a backlog of about 20 thousand reviews to work through to get current)

1). How are these added to this section? The same moderating staff who approves each review for premium access credit will also be responsible for attaching them to the provider's profile.

2). Can I delete ones on my own that aren't mine? Since we are playing catch-up with 20 thousand reviews, there might be a few mistakes since we are working at a fast pace to get these assigned. If you find one that does not belong to you, notify a member of your local moderating staff. With the click of one button, they can remove the incorrectly assigned review from your profile and add it back to the queue to be assigned to the right person.

3). Can I ADD some of mine? No, you cannot add or delete reviews from your profile, but a moderator can. We are working through a queue that starts with the oldest reviews on the site through the most recent ones but moderators also have the ability to use review links to attach them to your profile. Feel free to work with your local staff to get these added, but please be patient during this first month. The moderators have to learn the ins and outs of this valuable new tool and we also have the matter of those 20 thousand reviews to work our way through.

4). Can I choose not to list them at all on that tab? No, it's not optional. Every review on the site will eventually be assigned to a profile page...even if you're not a member here.

5). Can someone eliminate the incorrect review listed under my tab for me? Yes. I already reassigned that review, so it's no longer listed on your profile.

Have a beautiful weekend...and GO RANGERS!

tia travels's Avatar
Thank you.

Go Rangers!!
Perhaps "working at a fast pace" and being so accepting of these "few [?] mistakes" isn't the most considerate (not to mention professional) approach??

Personally, I find that when my reputation is on the line and in the hands of someone else, it's only fair that they're a tad more vigilant.

I've been trying to get 2 incorrect reviews off my profile for 24 hours now to no avail. And, all due respect, the lack of concern for the welfare of providers and our reputations (arguably everything in this business) in the interest of being "fast" is inappropriate. I daresay it would be totally unacceptable in most other forums or businesses.
I will look into it for you Cici. It appears staff may have already reacted to your issue because when I click your review link nothing comes up.

I will double and triple-check it for you though, and also the link should have disappeared from under your avatar since you don't have any reviews in your profile anymore so I will look into that too.

Thank you for helping me uncover a minor glitch in the feature, and I'm sorry for the delay in making this happen for you. 24 hours may seem trivial to some, but it's a big deal when a negative review of somebody else is attached to your profile, and I'll be the first to acknowledge your concern with it. I promise you my staff is making accuracy their #1 priority when assigning reviews, but they are also learning how to use the custom interface at the same time so that's probably how it happened.

We will do better next time.

St. C
Braveheart's Avatar
Kudos St. C. for your response and helpful attitude. Always a gentleman. Well...haven't seen you in a while, but at least that's my memory. lol.
Love the new feature. I'm sure it's a ton of work, so really appreciate the effort I'm sure it took to make it a reality. Well done!
So far I have had nothing but reviews belonging to other Beckys attached to my profile.It is very unlikely that I have any reviews on eccie due to my location, and the small number of new clients that I actually see.

If I reregister on this site without the provider status will that make my review link go away? Or does the link go up when you identify as a female on your profile? I have never put a showcase up, so I really do not mind skipping the provider status if it makes the false reviews stop.Also is there a way to adjust my name( for example add a last name on to Becky) to at least eliminate the reviews that do not belong to me?

Any information is appreciated.

I do hope that at some point we are offered the option to eliminate the link under our avatar to our good(non rob) reviews if we wish to.Some of us prefer to not offer direct links to our reviews for legal as well as privacy concerns.I hope that is something that the staff here will consider once the kinks are worked out.

Thank you
Don't worry Becky. We are ironing out the issues and the staff is getting better and better every day. BTW, thanks for the suggestion about the link. I will certainly take that under consideration.

St. C
Thank you, St. Christopher, for your understanding and quick attention to this matter. My issue was actually taken care of (whew) this morning and so now my only concern is the other ladies.

I've been around longer than most, maybe not in this specific arena but the sex industry in general, and I tend to get very protective of my 'sisters' over things like this. It's nice to know you have their backs, too.
Thank you, that would be a great option for many of us

thanks for the suggestion about the link. I will certainly take that under consideration.

St. C Originally Posted by St.Christopher