SO I am in vegas with a couple of friends and fellow massage l1 girls. Well one does prostate massage. Is Prostate massage still under the category of L1?

SO we where talking and one says I think I will become a high price Hotty FS girl here in Vegas only...
OK for one can you do that? once your full service aren't you full service everywhere?
And number 2 what is considered high price?
I know in Texas they think $300 is high price ?
In New York I know a few getting a grand or 1500 and THAT IS NOT FOR OVERNIGHT but hey........GOOD JOB GIRLS....
So what is a high price hotty price range does it depend on the state? or the pocket of the WANTER?
And can a L1 girl pick and choose when and where she will be FS ?Just wondering..I mean hell when you look like Nicki Manaj guess you can do what you I just wondered what the guys on here thought about it.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Depends on area.

You can charge anything you want.
It depends on what type of person you are catrering to and how many you want to cater to.

You charge 100 an hour you are going to get all kinds of people.

You charge 1500 an hour in the same area and I am thinking you aren't going to get a lot of people.
mm-good's Avatar
IMHO, it would the difficult to be L1 only in one market and FS in another under the same provider name and on the same board(s).
do you really want to stick your finger up a dude's ass for 100 bucks? most do prostate under pse and charge more for that, not less but your body, your business. i know a few providers who are high end gfe under one name and offer massage under another one, but there is no full service or gfe whatsoever. it gets complicated if you try to offer both gfe and massage from what I gather. many have said guys book the low ball rate then try to blackmail for more services by threatning a bad review. i would keep them separate.

i am not an expert on massage services but i think l1 is only a rub n tug, l2 is a blow job (don't know about the finish) and l3 may as well just be gfe if these girls are offering msog.