verification returned pls

It's me Stormy Allana I've sent several emails to staff with a Few different concerns an questions I have no been answered back yet. Someone please inbox me. I like for my verified status to be back and validated.
Stormy Allana
Stormy, I don't know who you contacted, but I have not received any messages or emails from you.

With respect to your VP status, when you don't log in at least every 90 days, your account reverts back to Registered Member.

I see that you have a recent review, so I will ask the admin staff to restore your VP status.

If you have other questions, send a PM to me, jcm800 or noleftturn.
I received an email out shortly after I made this thread from a web page monitor stating that my BP status was reinstated although I logged in today and I don't see them I have the BP status anymore as I am planning on going to Kansas City to see if you want friends this weekend I was going to put up a showcase for Kansas City but I do not need to be banned or my account access be blocked so can you let me know what is going on on the little stumped.