April Steele

Irish14's Avatar
While I've tried to keep this private, I have heard that April Steele is bad mouthing me to others saying that I am a threating person. There is no doubt that April and I had a "thing". She claimed to be pregnant with my kids (twins) and I tried to be responsible about it. April knew that I had lost my son and tried to play on my weakness. While I swore I never wanted kids again after laying his body to rest, April encouraged me that this was the right time. Foolish for me to believe her? Absolutely.

Two days before we were suppose to have our 1st doctor's appt, I found that it was all a façade. I called the doctor's office and they had no record of any appt ever being set-up by her for a potential pregnancy. When I questioned her on it, she gave me a complete line of BS! I have saved every text from her private number which will substantiate my claim.

Guys, April will try to find your weakness (In my case, my son's death) and play off of it to gain control. April will then try to milk you for $$$. Her most recent attempt on me was $300 to get her gas & electric turned back on. I have nothing to lose here and those Providers that have seen me will vouch for that... My responsibility is to tell the truth. April is a liar.. Nothing more. If anyone needs more details, pls PM me. Pls be warned Gentlemen.

I am sure this was difficult to share with everyone. Thanks for your wisdom on this board. Safe journeys my friend.
I encourage everyone to be their own judge. There are always going to be those that dont click. The mature thing to do is understand that fact and not resort to retaliation upon another provider/client. Each gentleman and each woman have those people that stick by their side and those that do not. No one jives well with every other person and that is nature. I feel sorry that you feel the need to air your ill feelings publicly. I hope you find peace.
Irish14's Avatar
I encourage everyone to be their own judge. There are always going to be those that dont click. The mature thing to do is understand that fact and not resort to retaliation upon another provider/client. Each gentleman and each woman have those people that stick by their side and those that do not. No one jives well with every other person and that is nature. I feel sorry that you feel the need to air your ill feelings publicly. I hope you find peace. Originally Posted by AprilASteele
I did when you finally apologized for lying about the whole pregnancy. I truly hope you dont try to do this to another client... I have found peace knowing your story has been told.
Irish14's Avatar
Ok.. Get your popcorn folks as the drama keeps coming. So Ive heard April has continued her tyrade and has accused me of some very serious things...

1) Dr. Steele has diagnosed me with schitzophrenia as well as some other mental ailments. While I appreciate her impeccable reputation as a world renowned phyciatrist, I'm going to have to disagree. Not sure if you want to throw stones in a glass house Doctor...

2) Apparently I am an elite computer hacker that had somehow hacked into all her email accounts and actually sent myself and other clients and providers e-mails on her behalf. Not to worry though folks.. She has retained professional tech support to ensure I don't do it again... Pls, pls, pls prove that April!!!! Other than that, I'm pretty proud of my hacking accoplishment especially given the fact I need the Geek Squad to install a fucking printer... SMH.

3) Now this one truly shows the depth of April's desperation of getting called out as a pathological liar.. April has accused me of threatening her kids. I apparently threatened to kill them. Ok.. let's stop right there.. If I really did that wouldn't you think LE would be brought in? Are you fucking kidding me!!??? Keep in mind these are the same kids I gave her $$$ for and bought a football helmet and shoulder pads for. April... You are a sick, sick individual. Again, prove this!!!!

This was over last night when you apologized and admitted lying. You just had to keep it going... I also appreciate all the telephone tough guy talk from your estranged husband. I was truly concerned especially when he told me about all the time he did in the hole at Shawshank with Byron Hadley.... Give it a rest April and move along... Its really getting pathetic. As Ive always said, I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE!!!!
So if you thought she was pregnant, does that mean you went BBFS with her?
Oh God, now the BBFS police are responding. Time to kill this thread, point has been made.
Irish14's Avatar
Oh God, now the BBFS police are responding. Time to kill this thread, point has been made. Originally Posted by pssymnchr2
+1.... Time to move the fuck on.. I'm done with it. Lessons learned.
Sorry, not trying to be a Nazi about bbfs. I was just wondering if it was a claim of "rubber broke", or something else. Just rying to figure out how bad you got played.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Ohhhhh boi o_O
'ECCIE ... it's always something'.
In any case sorry to hear about what you dealt with in regards to your son.
Irish14's Avatar
Ohhhhh boi o_O
'ECCIE ... it's always something'.
In any case sorry to hear about what you dealt with in regards to your son. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
No shit right? I couldnt make this shit up lol! I appreciate it Mocha..
Not to worry Irish....you need a good reference...I got your back. At least for what it's worth. Again sorry to hear about all of this.
Irish14's Avatar
Not to worry Irish....you need a good reference...I got your back. At least for what it's worth. Again sorry to hear about all of this. Originally Posted by reece.mcneal
Appreciate that Reece... There are too many quality providers out there who can see thru the BS for me to stay twisted over this my friend! The truth always comes out sooner or later... Movin on!
Gladiator69's Avatar
I'm so sorry for the loss of your son Irish. You know how to get ahold of me youu need to talk my friend