I am the only Crystalkitty. This past week has been a hassle, with confusion about another Crystal

Guest092815's Avatar
I have had two problems, just this week with this problem. I am the only Crystalkitty, 'lil queen bee, of Austin. I am 39, not in my 20's.

I had a fellow book with me (thinking I was in a different city?) and it caused a lot of grief, because I missed legit appts and waited at my i/c for hours, missing dinner plans too. Oh well. it was an honest mistake, as he knew us both and called the wrong Crystal.

Today, I notice an review with my name, that is clearly not of me. the phone number and physical description do not match.

I know it is hard with so many silly girl names, but please bee a bit careful to get the lady you have in mind, to get her name right and book the girl you want.

Peace and love,
Aww that suxxx wth? We all know u rock girl!
Guest092815's Avatar
thanks, lady. That was nice of you to say. *(smile)*

I've been here too long to change my name now.

peace y'all
Little Queen....You know I won't that mistake !!!!

sixxbach's Avatar
There is only one Crystalkitty... that is the bottom line.

It has been too long since I have seen you....

You are the only CK, I have ever heard of or known
Guest092815's Avatar
the problem is the other "Crystal." . "crystal blank" is causing confusion with my moniker. It isn't cool

I go by "crystal" casually, for years, in convo and when signing. I rarely call myself Crystalkitty, but I guess I better start.

Especially after risquebb (I was never a member of) that used my name to get biz on their site in the past year that was not me, though it linked my name and reviews, with a fake number (I did not have access to or know about then). My name was used to take appointments for unwitting fellows who didn't know me or hadn't seen my face before. They only thought they were meeting the real Crystalkitty. Grrr!

Funny, I may bee 39 now, but my face and body both look younger, and naturally so, than when I began hobbying, a few years ago. It is true, but there is no safe reason for me to post face pics, which I suppose could help.

But, safety first, always! (also, I have always been 100% independent)

peace and love.
Happy Monday, y'all
Didn't realize there could only be one Crystal. I had no idea who you were til I read this post. Sorry for any ensuing confusion, but there aren't really rights given to names, and I think anyone could say I 'm clearly not trying to get in the way of your business. I'm a horror fan and that is why I chose this name, if you get the reference.
I can't speak for CK, but she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. I think she is just frustrated by the situation and not necessarily the other provider/s. Just my 2 cents. I will butt out now
I agree, and I also don't have a mean bone in my body I'm genuinely sorry for any inconvenience caused and want nothing but awesomeness for everyone.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-30-2012, 02:05 AM
I still can't read "Crystal Lake" without thinking of Jason Voorhees and the Friday the 13th movies.

Guest092815's Avatar
It's Ok, Crystal Lake. It is all forgotten about, and I don't even remember that it was you I was frustrated about--there are several other "Crystal" names in Texas.

i'm sorry if i was bitchy. I remember getting stood up because of the mix-up, and I had waited for like 3 hours instead of going home, when I was hungry and tired. I apologize to everyone for my grumpy post.

(funny.. I think it was a mix-up with a different Crystal, not you, C.L.)I don't remember now, even.

I'm not mad--Peace. and Love.
No worries at all. Peace and love right back at ya girl Be safe!
MARTlAN's Avatar
I saw a Crystal once, she went by Crystal Beth, that was not a good experience. Remember kids don't do CrystalBeth...
SaintPat's Avatar
Now that's funny.