Inside the Ring: New al Qaeda threat

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wait just a goddamn second, here! I thought Al Qaeda was vanquished? Disrupted? In tatters? Leaderless?

I thought since our President single handedly took out bin Laden in a raid he orchestrated, flew and executed all on his own, that Al Qaeda was out of business. What the hell is this? Did Obama lie to us?

From the article:

A jihadist website posted a new threat by al Qaeda this week that promises to conduct “shocking” attacks on the United States and the West.

The posting appeared on the Ansar al Mujahidin network Sunday and carried the headline, “Map of al Qaeda and its future strikes.”

The message, in Arabic, asks: “Where will the next strike by al Qaeda be?” A translation was obtained by Inside the Ring.

“The answer for it, in short: The coming strikes by al Qaeda, with God’s Might, will be in the heart of the land of nonbelief, America, and in France, Denmark, other countries in Europe, in the countries that helped and are helping France, and in other places that shall be named by al Qaeda at other times,” the threat states.

The attacks will be “strong, serious, alarming, earth-shattering, shocking and terrifying.”

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AQ has been making countless threats like that ever since we kicked them out of Afghanistan - including after we killed Bin Laden.

Its been over a decade. Where have the great attacks been?

They're down to shoe bombs and underwear bombs now.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I hope you're right, ExNyer.
they can post crap same as you old geezer.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Wait just a goddamn second, here! I thought Al Qaeda was vanquished? Disrupted? In tatters? Leaderless?

I thought since our President single handedly took out bin Laden in a raid he orchestrated, flew and executed all on his own, that Al Qaeda was out of business. What the hell is this? Did Obama lie to us? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yeah, killing one guy always destroys a movement.

From the article:

A jihadist website posted a new threat by al Qaeda this week that promises to conduct “shocking” attacks on the United States and the West.

The posting appeared on the Ansar al Mujahidin network Sunday and carried the headline, “Map of al Qaeda and its future strikes.”

The message, in Arabic, asks: “Where will the next strike by al Qaeda be?” A translation was obtained by Inside the Ring.

“The answer for it, in short: The coming strikes by al Qaeda, with God’s Might, will be in the heart of the land of nonbelief, America, and in France, Denmark, other countries in Europe, in the countries that helped and are helping France, and in other places that shall be named by al Qaeda at other times,” the threat states.

The attacks will be “strong, serious, alarming, earth-shattering, shocking and terrifying.”

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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The Wash Times is just one half step up from a right wing blog so you can take what they say for what it worth... what you had to pay to cut and paste it off the web. al Qaeda as an organization pretty much ran out of money and steam long before bin Laden was killed and his death ended their best and most charismatic and well known figurehead. al Queda morphed into a movement with affiliates starting mid war in Iraq and has spread to anyone (Salafist or Sunni Muslim) who wants to use the name and affiliation around the Muslim world and perpetrate terror or at least threats of terror. Thus AQIM and many other "affiliates" kinda like an MLM. Since KSM and a couple others went down and bin Laden spent most of his money and was chased out of Afghanistan they haven't had he organization or funds to attempt much in the way of serious large scale threats to the US. It is likely, but not 100% certain, that it will stay that way. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they were able to pull off something on the scale of the Fort Hood shooting again in the next few years, but since they got Anwar al-Aulaqi there aren't too many charismatic clerics who can inspire this sort of thing inside the US.
SEE3772's Avatar


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, killing one guy always destroys a movement.

The Wash Times is just one half step up from a right wing blog so you can take what they say for what it worth... what you had to pay to cut and paste it off the web. al Qaeda as an organization pretty much ran out of money and steam long before bin Laden was killed and his death ended their best and most charismatic and well known figurehead. al Queda morphed into a movement with affiliates starting mid war in Iraq and has spread to anyone (Salafist or Sunni Muslim) who wants to use the name and affiliation around the Muslim world and perpetrate terror or at least threats of terror. Thus AQIM and many other "affiliates" kinda like an MLM. Since KSM and a couple others went down and bin Laden spent most of his money and was chased out of Afghanistan they haven't had he organization or funds to attempt much in the way of serious large scale threats to the US. It is likely, but not 100% certain, that it will stay that way. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they were able to pull off something on the scale of the Fort Hood shooting again in the next few years, but since they got Anwar al-Aulaqi there aren't too many charismatic clerics who can inspire this sort of thing inside the US. Originally Posted by austxjr
Any news that doesn't dutifully spout the Administration line is suspect to you. You'd prefer that all news support the President, and eliminate dissent. Well, it looks like you will probably get your way, but not without a fight. Some of us still respect the 1st Amendment.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Just wondering, but is there any evidence that this is anything but regular propaganda spouting from Al-Qaeda?

The article didn't really say anything other than US officials are of course taking the threat seriously, but does state they do regularly make these types of threats?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2013, 08:51 AM
they can post crap same as you old geezer. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
chicken little and Al Qaeda never post at the same time...Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Notice that today White House spokesman Jay Carney called the attack on our embassy in Turkey as a terrorist attack. Why? because he said that someone blew up a bomb and people were killed. Back in September Jay Carney called that happened in Benghazi a protest gone wrong. Why? because apparently explosives were used and people died. I hope the left is proud. This is the eighth attack on our embassy since Barry took office.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Al Qaeda deals in terrorism. Besides hatred, that is their only commodity.

Their organization has indeed been decimated and OBL was taken out by the USA and brave navy Seals.

President Obama authorized and orchestrated the secret and delicate operation, but of course he did not act alone.

No one person could have done this by himself
. Only an idiot would suggest otherwise.

Now, all this broken terror organization can do is to spread terrorism is to try and spread fear to the gullible.

. . . Only fools would give any credence to anything Al Qaeda has to say.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then, FastGoon, you are saying that President Bush was smart to ignore the warnings from bin Laden prior to the 9-11 attack. I thought you opposed President Bush.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Do not get me started with Bush. He did more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever did.

But to return to the topic, the fact is that terrorist organizations work in secret in the dead of night.

They do not give warnings before they attack.

No one knew that there were people so insane that they would hijack airliners and intentionally fly them into the twin towers.

. . . Even to this day, it amazes me that there are sick minds out there running around loose in this world that are so corrupt and so evil to even hatch such diabolical plans. And then even if you did come up with such a deranged plan how in the hell do you sell it like OBL did?

JCM800's Avatar
. . . Even to this day, it amazes me that there are sick minds out there running around loose in this world that are so corrupt and so evil to even hatch such diabolical plans. And then even if you did come up with such a deranged plan how in the hell do you sell it like OBL did?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Do not get me started with Bush. He did more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever did.

But to return to the topic, the fact is that terrorist organizations work in secret in the dead of night.

They do not give warnings before they attack.

No one knew that there were people so insane that they would hijack airliners and intentionally fly them into the twin towers.

. . . Even to this day, it amazes me that there are sick minds out there running around loose in this world that are so corrupt and so evil to even hatch such diabolical plans. And then even if you did come up with such a deranged plan how in the hell do you sell it like OBL did?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You sound like you are describing President Obama's drone policy and secret kill list. How is that different? Oh, yeah. We're the "good guys". So when kill innocent women, men and children, it's ok.