Christian Charity at it's Finest

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Pastor denies waitress a tip, saying he gives God 10%, so why should she get 18%. Pastor then calls and demands that all the managers be fired after she posts that on Reddit. Waitress get fired.

Won't be spending much at Applebee's anymore.

Here's the article:

And people wonder why the churches are losing members.

Years ago, I remember either Ann Landers or her sister Dear Abby running a letter from a "good Christian" couple stating that when they ate a restaurants, rather than leave money for a waitress, they liked to leave a short Bible passage on a piece of paper as their tip. They thought this was a better thing then money.

Needless to say Ann/Abby ripped them a new one and pretty much made the same points - how is the waitress supposed to make rent and buy groceries with the stupid little lines of Scripture?

This pastor needs to be publicly outed and folks should demand his church fire him.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
His church probably consists of a bunch of pricks even more self-righteous as him.
chefnerd's Avatar
Actually it's a her. It's a small, 15 member, Evangelical church existing in a store front. Although, she did later apologize. Like that's going to anything for the waitress. Maybe the pastor should take some reading comprehension lessons. Many, if not most of the restaurants that I have worked or eaten in state right on their menu that a gratuity for large parties will be added automatically.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is a shame that there are idiots all over the world of all walks of life and faiths.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2013, 07:48 AM
It is a shame that there are idiots all over the world of all walks of life and faiths. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Way more religious the math!
  • Laz
  • 02-01-2013, 09:30 AM
Way more religious the math! Originally Posted by WTF
Since most people follow some sort of religion it is logical to believe that there are a lot of idiots that follow a religion of some sort. It is not logical to believe the religion causes the idiots. I think it is more logical to assume the idiots use whatever is available to justify their stupidity and religion is a handy tool for them.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Maybe she didn't deserve a tip? There are no laws that say you have to pay a gratuity at all. It was rude of her to out the pastor or to post anything about it. She deserved to get fired.

It has nothing to do what so ever about religion or the people who to the pastors church.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Since most people follow some sort of religion it is logical to believe that there are a lot of idiots that follow a religion of some sort. It is not logical to believe the religion causes the idiots. I think it is more logical to assume the idiots use whatever is available to justify their stupidity and religion is a handy tool for them. Originally Posted by Laz
^^^ This. People are just generally stupid (I am by no means claiming I am an exception from that rule!).

Maybe she didn't deserve a tip? There are no laws that say you have to pay a gratuity at all. It was rude of her to out the pastor or to post anything about it. She deserved to get fired.

It has nothing to do what so ever about religion or the people who to the pastors church. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Except that she didn't have to be an asshole about it with the "God only gets 10%" thing. She opened the door for religious attacks when she made the God statement.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Except that she didn't have to be an asshole about it with the "God only gets 10%" thing. She opened the door for religious attacks when she made the God statement. Originally Posted by jbravo_123

The waitress was the one who opened the door for any fool who wants to slam a religon or the good people who go to that church.. . Wrong or right..she had no fucking business embarassing the costomers of her employer. She is the one who opened the the door to her termination. I would have fired her to.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, it's a proven fact that religion is good business. Right?

Heh, Dolly, both you and Applebees are doing her a favor. Both of you see employees as something other than assets, asshats.
jbravo_123's Avatar
The waitress was the one who opened the door for any fool who wants to slam a religon or the good people who go to that church.. . Wrong or right..she had no fucking business embarassing the costomers of her employer. She is the one who opened the the door to her termination. I would have fired her to. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I agree that the waitress should not have put up that thread on Reddit (or at least she should've have made herself identifiable). I can't disagree with Applebee's decision to let her go either since this is also making Applebee's look bad that it can't keep its employees under control

That being said, the pastor was an asshat and I can't feel sorry for the negative PR that this is bringing her and those who continue to let her represent them.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-01-2013, 02:18 PM
Both were wrong, period. And randy wtf do you have against employers? You are always slamming them.
  • Laz
  • 02-01-2013, 02:31 PM
The pastor was an idiot for writing the note.

Restaurants often automatically charge tips for groups over a certain size and that information is disclosed on the menu typically. She had no option but to pay the tip or take her business elsewhere.

I would like to think she left the tip in cash and was not being a bitch but that is not the impression she left by writing that note. As for firing the waitress I have mixed emotions. I do not like it but if it was my business I might have fired her also. To be honest, I would probably make that decision based on if I thought it was necessary to prevent negative publicity that would hurt my profits. If I did not think that was an issue I would have made it clear not to ever do that again to all staff members but then let her continue working as long as she was good at her job.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Now that Christianity no longer blames my peeps for Jesus death, I feel a need to defend them.
They shouldn't have women as their Rabbi, though.