Something that has nothing to do with politics, and yet everything to do with politics.

LovingKayla's Avatar

I've always been interested in stuff like chem trails. I've only ever said, "I have no idea what they are spraying into the atmosphere, except that it's more than water." That fact can't be broken. It's a fact.

This is a law professor and author that is delivering a lecture on what this stuff is... I'm one of those that believes our gov is owned by corporations, along with the media. It's that damn free thinking thing that gets me. Ignorance was bliss.

Chem trails are ALWAYS over our place in E Texas. ALWAYS. I don't see them as much closer to the city. Extrapolate your own conclusion.

Any human gaining control of our weather, is bad news. From what I've seen, them gaining control of the weather is the smallest problem from this stuff.

This has nothing to do with politics because it's not an issue controlled by one side or the other. However, the politics of the corporation in control of stuff like this.....
Commercial and military aircraft leave a contrail - not a chem trail - behind them when they are at high altitude. They are at high altitude over rural areas (no reason to land) more often than when they are over cities (sometimes landing, sometimes flying over).

But the contrail (condensation trail) is nothing but exhaust. It can't "control" the weather except to the extent it contributes to global warming.

In which case, your car also controls the weather, which make YOU part of the government conspiracy.

Actual attempts to control the weather are pretty much limited to causing rain, which is rather expensive and ineffective, which is why it is rarely tried anymore.

There is no technology for causing tornadoes, or hurricanes, or causing blizzards in July.

And, if the government was really engaged in some secret scheme to control the weather, don't you think they would at least TRY to avoid detection by spraying at night so you can't see the "chem trails"?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Contrails dissipate fairly quickly. Chemtrails remain for a much longer time. I'm glad you trust the government so much.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2013, 11:53 AM
sounds like cog and lk are bonging a chem trail!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Just so you folks know, the Massachusetts School of Law is not affiliated with the University of Massachusetts or any other "traditional" institution on Massachusetts.

I wonder what janitor's closet the admin office is located in?
Contrails dissipate fairly quickly. Chemtrails remain for a much longer time. I'm glad you trust the government so much. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Can you provide a reliable reference to support that? Please note the word "reliable" in that request. Posting links to Alex Jones or other conspiracy mongerers fails that test.

What is a "chem trail" anyway? A "chemical trail", right? The amount of time something takes to dissipate depends on the chemical, doesn't it? So unless there is only ONE type of chemical, then I guess the dissipation time will vary compared to a contrail, won't it?

It's funny that the conspiracy nuts never identify the chemical. They just use the word "chem trail" like it is some self-evident bugaboo that is supposed to make their fellow conspiracy fans shit their pants with fear.

Well, water is a chemical. So water vapor in a contrail qualifies as a "chem trail", doesn't it?

I know you can seed clouds with chemicals to unreliably cause rain.

And I know there are proposed schemes to pump huge amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere to deflect sunlight and promote global cooling.

But that would affect the entire planet, not just targeted locations. So, how exactly does the Department of Defense control the weather on a small location - beyond seeding rain clouds? Is there some chemical that can cause a tornado?
SEE3772's Avatar
SEE3772's Avatar
More paranoid links from SEE3772. We are supposed to watch hour+ long videos on chem trails? And its just a rehash of Kayla's conspiracy theories?
joe bloe's Avatar
More paranoid links from SEE3772. We are supposed to watch hour+ long videos on chem trails? And its just a rehash of Kayla's conspiracy theories? Originally Posted by ExNYer
You must be part of the conspiracy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I hear she's conspiring with Summer's Eve to produce a traceable diuchebag signature...
SEE3772's Avatar
More paranoid links from SEE3772. We are supposed to watch hour+ long videos on chem trails? And its just a rehash of Kayla's conspiracy theories? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Conspiracy Theories?

Yeah, where they interview the companies and the scientists that are currently geoengineering.

The DHS Program...

I provide straight to the source links.

Stop being just another lazy American!
SEE3772's Avatar
SEE shits new way of boring us.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I know that by "reliable" source, ExNYer, you mean a government syncophant publication. In other words, you prefer lies over the truth. However, this may be pretty close. This guy has done the research, and appears to approve of chemtrails.