The Newsroom

Wakeup's Avatar
Im not sure how many of you are watching the new Aaron Sorkin show on HBO, but I am.

I've been accused of noticing small, insignificant things and pointing them out needlessly...well, sometimes it's just hilarious, and secretly, the people want you to notice them and point them out...

Tonight, on the new episode, there was a huge fight where a woman goes on a rant to the guy she's dating about how he gave her presents but stood her up by making her wait at a restaurant for an hour on Valentine's Day. After a large, heated conversation in front of a bunch of the guys coworkers, he apologizes and she whispers to him "I'm still wearing the underwear", the lingerie he had given her. He says, "Well, if I'd known that!" and they leave the room together.

Cut to the next scene of all of them in the newsrooms few minutes later, and the two of them are back, with her sitting on a desk and talking to him. The camera pans away but as it does, for a couple seconds, I notice a detail...

Her left leg is bent forward, and her black stocking has a run right over her knee...what does that imply to you?

It's details like this that I love, because the writers and producers of the show WANT you to see that detail, but it's not focused on in the shot, no one comments on it, and it's visible for only a couple seconds. All that being said, you know they're all sitting around the office tomorrow waiting to see if the Internet notices it.

Here's to noticing these things...
carkido45's Avatar
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I rarely watch TV.
Hell I had to have someone recount the current details of that recent movie theater shooting cuz I have nothing but disdain for the news networks.
pyramider's Avatar
Im not sure how many of you are watching the new Aaron Sorkin show on HBO, but I am.

I've been accused of noticing small, insignificant things and pointing them out needlessly...well, sometimes it's just hilarious, and secretly, the people want you to notice them and point them out...

Tonight, on the new episode, there was a huge fight where a woman goes on a rant to the guy she's dating about how he gave her presents but stood her up by making her wait at a restaurant for an hour on Valentine's Day. After a large, heated conversation in front of a bunch of the guys coworkers, he apologizes and she whispers to him "I'm still wearing the underwear", the lingerie he had given her. He says, "Well, if I'd known that!" and they leave the room together.

Cut to the next scene of all of them in the newsrooms few minutes later, and the two of them are back, with her sitting on a desk and talking to him. The camera pans away but as it does, for a couple seconds, I notice a detail...

Her left leg is bent forward, and her black stocking has a run right over her knee...what does that imply to you?

It's details like this that I love, because the writers and producers of the show WANT you to see that detail, but it's not focused on in the shot, no one comments on it, and it's visible for only a couple seconds. All that being said, you know they're all sitting around the office tomorrow waiting to see if the Internet notices it.

Here's to noticing these things... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Never seen the show .... By chance does she look like Anderson Cooper?
zofco's Avatar
  • zofco
  • 07-23-2012, 09:27 PM
Great show! There are a lot of things that are hard to catch, but I think you are right, they do some intentional things.

I don't agree with every argument Will makes, but he always makes them seem logical. This show certainly makes you think.

And it has some fine women in it, I can't wait to see Emily Mortimer naked putting it on Will.

Wakeup's Avatar
I remember...I will always remember...what I and my brothers gave...and where I was...
I am a fan of the Newsroom, but Alan Sorkin isn't fooling anyone. His lead Character, supposedly a Republican, seems to find fault with only those on the right, and ignores the huge crop of morons on the left.

It is obvious that he hates the Tea Party, and looks upon anybody to the right of Bill Clinton as absolute morons. I enjoy the show for it's entertainment value, (hell, I never missed an episode of the West Wing), but Mr Sorkin can kiss my ass.
Wakeup's Avatar
Loved it. Can't wait for season 2, but it sure has to piss off some people, being called the American Taliban.
Hawkeye's Avatar
I love the Newsroom, and I think Olivia Munn is amazing
TransAm's Avatar
Damn strong cast. Every Sorkin show has made me pay attention. American Taliban... love it.
ftime's Avatar
  • ftime
  • 09-12-2012, 12:12 PM
It is clearly a left leaning show. Most of the issues Sorkin casts shit at are obvious bad things on the right side. Certainly there is a lot of blame to go around to both the left and right. At the end of the day, stupid shit or incorrect shit should be derided no matter where it comes from. This show does do that.
O'Mike's Avatar
Is she the chick that put her topless photos on facebook or something?

If so, where are the picts, LOL.
TransAm's Avatar
All of Sorkin's political stuff is left-leaning, but when he writes Republican leads, he does try to make them strong, rational, and reasonable. Ex: Arnie Vinick on West Wing.

He's pretty consistent on Newsroom in that he doesn't write it pro-left, but anti-Tea Party.
This is a very good show. Can't wait till June 2013 for the next season.
macksback's Avatar
I can never forgive HBO for the way they ended Deadwood....If they would have let the show run its course I would still be a subscriber, but to just pull it off the air the way they did...I will never watch HBO again for that.