Game 7?

Sure is looking like it.....

5th inning..... Who is your pick?
tomsview's Avatar
Certainly looking like game 7 is on the horizon.
I like the Giants, they have the momentum and home field advantage.
Certainly looking like game 7 is on the horizon.
I like the Giants, they have the momentum and home field advantage. Originally Posted by tomsview
I have to agree......
Game 7................ it is on!!!!!! going to be a great Game!
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 10-22-2012, 06:56 AM
Ah, a game 7. My fav........

So sorry SF, this was all just a fantasy. Enjoy your off-season.
I am Calling SF.... top of the 3rd......
Getting Good........................
Tigers and the Giants.... unless .......... the world ends........ Going to be another good series......
tomsview's Avatar
SF ... and the crowd goes wild !!!
in the rain at that.
Fox with their high speed Cameras made for some awesome shots!
First game..... this one will go to 7.

SF.... Will be on top...
Bottom of the 9th....... hmmm This might get good!
tomsview's Avatar
Game 4: How ironic if SF sweeps. Unlikely, but...
The Fat lady is warming up....... it is over....... SF has got it..... the underdog, is just that.... been fun to watch.
looks like the Fat lady gets a break tonight.. she will get a pause in the warm up!