Home Depo ... smh But its Ohh so funny!

Thanks Home depot I thing I need to make a special trip for all of the above.. but mainly Lube and Rope ..lol..

Please feel free to ad to this thread other naughty signs u've come across.

Secret Encounters
I guess that is funny if you have never been there......

Me on the other hand... I am there every other day........

Welcome to the world...... brake the bubble and step outside.....
Oh come on dont be so uptight hunny I thought it was cute. Sorry if u think I am ignorant of the world or much less Home Depot. Lol.. I just dont visit H.D often.

well I hope u have a Great evening!!!

Secret Encounters
  • RoxyG
  • 10-24-2012, 07:51 PM
Sounds like my kind of party....lol
No problem..... some of ya'll get sensitive about your jobs.......

You need a place to sell it ( I can build it) unless you, you like it caveman style.....