Young girls with LOW prices?

BabyDallass's Avatar
What is up with that??? Lol When I was 20 years old and providing I made sure to NEVER do 100 or 150 buck dates, now it seems like that is all the young girls do now? What is going on? Do they KNOW they can charge MORE and guys will PAY it? I don`t get it....Times have SURELY changed SMH so sad.....Poor little girls, if they only knew... maybe they wouldn't be GIVING it away! Thats nuts!

Young girls if you under the age of 23, there if no way you should be doing ANY date under 250...Know your own worth....Just saying....Stop giving it away to these guys, they will pay more if you ask! If your NEW AND YOUNG there is no way you should be doing specials, dont know any better or your just doing any and everything...
Competition is a bitch..... Just sayin'
Hh for a good deal for both partys and most of them are gfe.5.00 a minute is the new norm. Js
BabyDallass's Avatar
Not with girls who are selling it for 100 bucks, we dont even see the same kind of clients. lol try again dude...Im saying that if they CHARGED MORE then they could GET MORE! DUHHHH, Do you get that?
BabyDallass's Avatar
Hh for a good deal for both partys and most of them are gfe. Originally Posted by TX Guy
Thats just insane to me, and if you ARE going to be GFE then you should even charge more....Poor girls are just selling themselves short. Just for a quick buck, I rather get the slow money at least its safer and I`m getting more than 150 bucks....
BabyDallass's Avatar
Hh for a good deal for both partys and most of them are gfe.5.00 a minute is the new norm. Js Originally Posted by TX Guy
5.00 a minute??? Who is charging by the minute? WTF? I go by what we do, Your doing the same thing in a 30 minute date as you would a hour date, the guy is just trying to be cheap....
SerenityXX's Avatar
Competition is a bitch..... Just sayin' Originally Posted by Initforfun
Yes competition is a bitch but thts when u have to step ur game up and do better. I feel the same way Babydallas does, as a person and as a provider u have to kno ur self worth.
You get what you pay for. I've been around long enough to know that girls who hobby for rates that low have issues that most gentleman do not want to deal with...

I'm 42 and I'm still getting 300-400. When selling Avon becomes more profitable than hobbying, I'll be over to do your makeover... Lol.

Don't get me wrong, I love the hobby... But there are a lot of sacrifices that we ladies make in our personal lives to be available for the hobby. It has to be worth it.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Of course this would make some guys mad....Im saying I wish girls would just stick with a higher price, instead of low balling with guys. The only reason a girl will lower her price is to please the guy. If they would stick to their guns, in the long run they would make MORE money and SEE less guys...Which is the SMART thing to do....Called working SMARTER not HARDER hunny
2 sides to everything
BabyDallass's Avatar

Yes competition is a bitch but thts when u have to step ur game up and do better. I feel the same way Babydallas does, as a person and as a provider u have to kno ur self worth.
Originally Posted by SerenityXX
I just think if your young, hot and got it going on. Then make they pay a little extra! They will do it, so why not get what your worth? I get soooo many guys who try and low ball me and I made the mistake of doing it one time and the guy didnt wear deodorant!! lol What did I expect though??? He was a cheapie!
BabyDallass's Avatar
I like Originally Posted by TX Guy
You probably like the dollar tree and goodwill too lol
SerenityXX's Avatar
Yes I definitely don't think girls should lower their prices just to get a little money. I'd rather wait for the slow money thts gonna be more and it also allows me to see less clients and not work as much. Plus I kno I'm worth the extra money
BabyDallass's Avatar
Simple you get what you pay for, and if a guy comes and you with 100-150 bucks expect for him to stink, be rude, rushy and RUDE! lol Ill pass on that...give me my 300 hour or 2 hour plus dates! I work less and make MORE....