Pretty face vs nice body

Out of curiosity, which would you prefer, a woman with a beautiful face but an ugly body or a beautiful body with an ugly face?
cluefinder's Avatar
I am a visual person so I would have to say a nice body.
Beauty is only a light switch away. However, I really enjoy looking a woman in the eyes as she services me and I truly enjoy starring into your eyes.
Beauty is only a light switch away. However, I really enjoy looking a woman in the eyes as she services me and I truly enjoy starring into your eyes. Originally Posted by Buko13
Glad you enjoy yourself with me..
Face. 10 times out of 10.

Body is icing on the cake.
Face. 10 times out of 10.

Body is icing on the cake. Originally Posted by RJinLR
I agree. I'd rather fuck a sexy man with a dad bod than a butter face.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I don't care too much for a guy's face if he has a semi nice body. Dad bods are alright but I prefer some muscle tone.

BUT that's my personal life. In hobby life I don't care what you look like. Old, young, hot, fit, fat, whatever. I'm here to provide a service and that's what I do. Plus the "average" guys enjoy it more
Mmm but dad bods are so sexy!! It makes them look and feel more real.
Plus I've always been more of a chubby chaser lol
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I go for Dad Bods when I go through my "Daddy Issues" phase lol
Aw I'm sorry you have daddy issue phases, sounds like that would suck. I have a great relationship with my father, I just like men his age lol
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Daddy issues are great actually. It's part of the reason I became a provider. Plus now I have an excuse to chase men 3x my age lol
Haha whatever works for you. Everyone has someone bad in their life that they make good with it.

Anyways, back on topic. Butter body or face?
Butter face, butter face, butter face.
  • hb01
  • 12-16-2015, 01:25 PM
I've always been a face guy. Some are boob guys, Some are butt guys but I'm pretty much only attracted to pretty faces. I always felt like I was kind of weird that way.
Lonesome's Avatar
Daddy issues are great actually. It's part of the reason I became a provider. Plus now I have an excuse to chase men 3x my age lol Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
I just happen to be one 3x your age. Chase me. Please.