WTF is Australia doing to Djokovich?

bambino's Avatar
They’re detaining him and is threatening to deport him after Australias Tennis federation granted him permission to play in their Open. One of the 4 majors. The greatest tennis player in the world.

This is scary, and retarded
winn dixie's Avatar
Ridiculous! But Australia has some of the strictest mandates and covid rules in the World.
... Just because the Tennis Federation granted him
the vax exemption - that don't mean that the government does.

He was told that BEFORE his flight. He decided to go anyway.
When he landed - it was either fly back out or quarantine.
Those were the two choices.

... Not sure what the issue is - though I do agree that
the heavy lockdowns are a bit much.

#### Salty
If you go to another a country, you are bound by their laws.

Well, that is any Country except the USA. To get in here, all you have to do is get to our Southern Border. You are then home free regardless of what our laws say.
It's almost like they wanted him to fly there under the pretense of being able to play with the exemption, and then hold him down and give him the vaccination forcibly, like they did to their own citizens. Guess cooler heads prevailed.
... No, NOT "almost like" anything... The government didn't
want him to come - if he's not vaxxed. ... It's all rather simple.

The onley "pretence" of him being able to play
came from the tennis federation.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Djokovich is a fucking idiot.

You can choose not to play.

It’s tennis that fucked up. Not Oz.
... Agreed.

... Now maybe the government will give in, and agree
to honour his vax exemption... Or IF he's still a
negative test after quarantine - then all is well.
Let him play and win the tourney.

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If the US were to change its laws for the sake of one performer, you’d be losing your continence.

The choice is the Joker’s, not the government’s.

Dipshittery carries consequences
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If the US were to change its laws for the sake of one performer, you’d be losing your continence.

The choice is the Joker’s, not the government’s.

Dipshittery carries consequences Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if the US enforced its border security there wouldn't be 1 MILLION illegal wretches all infected with covid flooding into the US this year alone

If you go to another a country, you are bound by their laws.

Well, that is any Country except the USA. To get in here, all you have to do is get to our Southern Border. You are then home free regardless of what our laws say. Originally Posted by Jackie S

how else will the Democrats get more welfare voters?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
... Just because the Tennis Federation granted him
the vax exemption - that don't mean that the government does. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yeah, it's kind of like Kyrie Irving in the NBA. Of course the NBA wants him to play because the guy is "box office" talent like "The Joker" is for tennis. Unfortunately, he plays for the Brooklyn Nets and NY has a vaccination mandate, and he refuses to get vaccinated. He can't play in NY or in San Fran because they have a mandate as well.

Sucks for Brooklyn because they'll probably meet Golden State in the finals, and he can't even play. Brooklyn is paying him damn near $40M this year and they can't even use him when they'll need him the most.

Edit: They are paying him a little less than half of that because they are not on the hook for paying him in missed home games or other places where vaccinations are least he is not stuck in a hotel though. He's just chilling in his mansion with his family when he can't play.
lustylad's Avatar
Dipshittery carries consequences Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No kidding? Then why are you still here?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No kidding? Then why are you still here? Originally Posted by lustylad
the reason for that is hes not aware of his dipshittery.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
if the US enforced its border security there wouldn't be 1 MILLION illegal wretches all infected with covid flooding into the US this year alone

how else will the Democrats get more welfare voters? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
There you go again, TWK. The thread is not about US border security. Or Democrats. Or even your oft demonstrated hatred of brown people. But at least this time you spelled wretch correctly.

... Well, ... Australia DOES enforce border security.

Used to have a great deal with OBama for the US to take-in
what illegals come to Australia....
Then Trump ruined the agreement.

#### Salty