Don't Fall In Love...

There is a song by the rock group The Tubes, from back in the '80s, about the establishments where a guy could talk to a beautiful nude women behind a glass barrier for the price of $1 per minute. LOL, now we just go to a strip club.

The song's lyrics advise the listener, "Don't fall in love..."

Any of you guys, or providers, ever find yourselves starting to form emotional attachments with an ATF, and willing to admit it?

Providers, does this ever cause you problems?


I will admit that it has happened to me, a little. LOL for sure, of all the situations in the world, we certainly should know the risks and know better. Nothing that can't be fixed with a few minutes alone in the shower!

Anyone??? Please don't tell me I'm the only softie in the crowd!
I'd like to know if providers ever find themselves liking a hobbyist more than normal
jmhawk1's Avatar
I have a couple that I have developed feelings for. One seemed to reciprocate and briefly discussed the possibility, but it was just bad timing for both of us.

There is one that I would LOVE to date in the r/w, but I know it would never last.

Side note, I do fall in love easily! I also understand that the "flirty" and IOP is part of the experience, and it took one gal to "put me in my place". She did it kindly enough, and did tell others when called for a reference that I was her favorite. I know this provider wouldn't (didn't) lie to me, so that always made me feel good. While we no longer communicate (my fault), she was my first "love" in this hobby. Probably a lot of babble in this, but I'm sick as a dog and the meds are messing with my noggin...
I have a couple that I have developed feelings for. One seemed to reciprocate and briefly discussed the possibility, but it was just bad timing for both of us.

There is one that I would LOVE to date in the r/w, but I know it would never last.

Side note, I do fall in love easily! I also understand that the "flirty" and IOP is part of the experience, and it took one gal to "put me in my place". She did it kindly enough, and did tell others when called for a reference that I was her favorite. I know this provider wouldn't (didn't) lie to me, so that always made me feel good. While we no longer communicate (my fault), she was my first "love" in this hobby. Probably a lot of babble in this, but I'm sick as a dog and the meds are messing with my noggin... Originally Posted by jmhawk1
Blame it on the meds, brilliant!

Love is a drug, too, and can give a helluva high. Add some mindblowing sex, and who can resist?
burkalini's Avatar
Basically lived with one for about a year. A very popular one. She quit working and to this day she isn't working anymore. It got to the point where she brought up the M word and already had used the L word. She had 2 young children and since I already raised some I wasn't going to do it again. It didn't end well. Does anything ever end well?
DallasRain's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ahh Dee,
You should add how that started in KC.
A not so new newbie guy may be thinking ....
Btw, you do have a couple excellent posts in that thread.
Good link, Dee, thanks.
Been at this for several months and I know I could see me dating or falling for a provider.
It only takes a moment, according to the lyrics from a famous musical.

You don't see it coming, and once it has hit you, it is too late.
I have to agree with the point made that not getting sex all wrapped up with love is one of the drawing cards of the hobby. It is natural that friendships form, favorites, a certain level of affection even, people caring about each other and concerned for their happiness and well being.

But strong emotional attachment, love, is going to be a problem.

There have been times with a favorite provider that I got to where I could not read her ads or reviews of others with her because it made me jealous. That is probably a good point to pull back a little.

It is good to remember that these providers are using the hobby as a way to make a living, and just because someone starts to like her, she can't quit without assured support. It gets messy/sticky real fast. Just my opinion
That Tubes cd was an awesome one. Outside Inside I think was the name. Tip of the Tongue is my favorite tune on it. "I'm not cunning, I'm no linguist, but I can tell you this...." I still have it somewhere. Now I have to go dig it up.
DallasRain's Avatar
I have become quite "close" to several of my gents.....but I already have a hubby so i know where to draw the line
newyorkboy's Avatar
Fucking whores will let you down every time. Bank on it
Met one and she was the ladt straw to leave my horrible marriage. Of course it didn't last but it was the push I needed.