Don't do this

  • Luxie
  • 06-15-2016, 01:03 PM
I think something needs to be said about respecting ones privacy. This has happened to me twice, and I'm unsure how it happened, but I've had members of this board find and try to add me on Facebook.


Don't do this. It's creepy and a MASSIVE violation of privacy. If you find someones Facebook, move on. Why on earth would you want to add a hooker to your page, where you post photos of your wife and family?! This is crazy to me. Unless the provider has given you explicit permission... DON'T DO IT. It's weird and you will get blocked.

On the upside, this has made me crack down my Facebook even more then before and I suggest you guys do the same.

Beyond Creepy. And you are right. So fuckin' rude.
A message to the wife should take of the problem pretty quickly!
  • Luxie
  • 06-15-2016, 07:39 PM
Nooooo! I'm not an asshole, lol.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Two things to keep in mind. I actually HAVE friendsed some ladies on FB, but that was after we know each other very well and were very comfortable with each other.

The OTHER - I have had some providers pop up on my "People you may know" just because a provider put something in her profile that matched my I-Phone such as her hobby phone number. This then gave me the providers name, some RL info, and in some cases the location of the Batcave. Technology, like Karma, can be a bitch
easymoe's Avatar
There is a provider on this forum that has a linkedin profile that, because I've emailed her before, her contact got added to my profile and now linkedin suggests I add her to my connections. ....And yes Linkedin shows her "job". So this goes both ways. Why would I want to add her to my Linkedin page??? At least with something like facebook it doesn't show what she does for a living.
Guest072616-2's Avatar
There are several providers that have Linked in profiles describing what they do in their RL jobs. I have seen at least 10 with legitimate jobs. I have also seen these providers' RW Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages too.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Attachment 538766 Social media can be revealing when you want to be UTR....