The Female Condom...

Boyz & Girlz,
I was interested in hearing your opinions regarding the female condom. When I lived in L.A. (05' - 09') I used to see a provider that introduced me to the f/c and I absolutly loved it. I just wanted to get some feedback especially from the amazingly beautiful ladies here in Austin.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I HATE that is hard and unsexy to insert,feels like I have a lunch baggie inside me not to mention it sounds like it has around a 20% failure rate...costs more then male condoms're going to wrap a weiner and put it in the fridge. Do you drape a piece of saran wrap in a plastic container and gently lay the weiner into it before putting the lid on? Or, do you wrap the fucking weiner and slam it in the fridge where it belongs?

A female condom? What would the sizes be; Compact Pick Up, 1/2 ton, Dump Truck, 53 foot Semi?

You know, before AIDS, condoms were optional, as most women were on the pill. Then came herpes, 1, 2, AIDS, etc. And Oxonyl-9 was shown to kill the AIDS virus and all the condoms have it.

I think the scientists could come up with a lubricant that could effectively line the vagina and, subsequently, the penis, that could provide a 99% efficacy against the prevention of disease.

But, the gun toting, middle american, homosexual, prurient, fucking promiscuous hypocrites would never allow it. Because middle class teenagers could really enjoy heterosexual sex and it would drive their gay parents NUTS!
greymouse's Avatar
I have used the Female Condom2 model, the one made of Nitrile rather than polyurethane, with three local ladies. Two of them had not used a Female Condom previously. None of them had any trouble inserting the device. One stated that it diminished her perceived sensations somewhat and speculated that "this must be what it is like to wear a (male) condom". Perhaps, that is really hard to know. There were no problems with the FC2 staying in place. These nitrile version are "quiet" without the rustling or crinkling sound of the polyurethane originals. Either should work for people who are allergic to latex.

Where the FC2 shines is in doubles where the customer guy can go from one woman to the other freely without changing condoms. That easily justifies the additional price, IMHO.

As far as the "80% effective" figure VictoriaLynn mentioned, that is in preventing pregnancy in couples consistently using the method over a year's time. It used to be said that male condoms were 80% effective, then studies with more highly motivated users showed a 90% effectiveness and a trial where all the male users were M.D.s reported 100% effectiveness. In other words, like seat belts and personal floatation devices, condoms only work when they are actually worn. Wikipedia's article
puts the FC's effectiveness at 95% with "perfect" use and 79% with "typical" use.

This article from the Journal of Epidemiology
compared male to female condoms by measuring trace presence of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) in the woman's vaginal fluids after intercourse. PSA could be detected in 3.5% of cases where a male condom was used and 4.5% of cases where a female condom was used. Not much difference.

As someone who has not ejaculated inside a condom in this century I can't help wondering whether the combination of all condoms, all of the time (except for idiots) for intravaginal sex and typical extravaginal ejaculation whenever he can negotiate it doesn't lower STD transmission rates in the Hobby significantly below condom usage by itself?

BTW, the FC2 is available from Amazon.
Boyz & Girlz,
I was interested in hearing your opinions regarding the female condom. When I lived in L.A. (05' - 09') I used to see a provider that introduced me to the f/c and I absolutly loved it. I just wanted to get some feedback especially from the amazingly beautiful ladies here in Austin. Originally Posted by isomilf69
Been there done that ...HATE EM ! I'll stick with durex .. especially the banana flavored ones !
I have never tried them due to they just look weird and like they wouldnt feel so well. However...I do LOVE Crowns Skinless Skin Condoms! Those babies are awesome!
I am the one GM is referring to. It did seem to take some of my sensation away. I finally understood why guys don't like condoms because it does make a difference. It is nice for the quick switch between partners but other than that, I don't really like them very much.
Thanks for the feedback everyone, I guess I'll stick with the Skyn's...
Jay Walker's Avatar
Get a one gallon Zip Lock freezer bag, hold it in both hands, insert your dick and proceed to fuck it. That's about what the female condom experience was like for me.
69thebest's Avatar
Had a great time with FC with a Houston based provider once. We put one, shall we say, at both ends and could go back and forth between the two. Much fun was had by all. For me, seemed like not wearing one, which really enhanced the experience without enhancing the safety risk...
AidanRedd's Avatar
I had a foursome recently where we used female condoms on the two girls and it was awesome. It felt WAY WAY better for my dick than any other regular condom like Lifestyles Skyn or Crowns.

It's also great so I can stick nmy cock in their mouth (bare), then go back inside their pussy, then back in their mouth, then safely back into their pussy. They don't work good for assholes though.
knotty man's Avatar
who you callin an asshole! ill have you know , havin a small penis is a disability!!
Twix's Avatar
  • Twix
  • 02-28-2012, 06:59 PM
Redd , when you say Female Condoms are those the ones that Vibrate? What the Brand Name of the Female Condom?
cramster's Avatar
I like em. Esp when you dont want to interrupt the flow to put on a regular condom. Just have her put it on before U get started. They can feel like bareback.
Providers its an alternative to use for guys that have a problem with male condoms, for whatever reason. I've heard planned parenthood provides them free of charge.
Hope that's helpful.
Female condoms are actually better then the other ones, way less chance of breakage. Ally