Just Wondering Why Austin is the Wild West? ...

Rachelina's Avatar
Any suggestions or answers?

After all it's a Democratic City...
Defunding PD?
Never thought Austin would be compared to South Chicago..Very disappointed
and that's why I won't go there.
Good Luck girls..just be careful.

I always have visited Austin with meeting very nice gents but NEVER when watching the news today what I saw on the news..Austin needs a wakeup because
it's becoming a City of this is the result of a Demo Mayor who hates the Austin PD..You go figure?
And it is going to get worse. The rolling homophobic governor wants everyone to carry guns. No permit.
Austin has quite a ways to go before it becomes Southside, let alone anything like Miami.
Everytime the mayor or city council does something that goes again the GOP too much, the state government comes right in and "sets them straight." The idea that this city's problems are because of "failed democrat leadership" at the local level ignores the massive amount of meddling Austin deals with from the state government.

When Austin "Defunded" the police, we merely set our police budget to be more in line with what other texas cities spend per capita. Turns out for some reason Austin was spending more per capita than places like Dallas... that's pretty fiscally irresponsible if you ask me. But now the fiscal conservatives in the Republican Party want to punish Austin for "defunding the police." So strange how the party of small government acts in this state.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Austin has always been a great city. Some of the bad areas of town are great places again. I can't wait till Dove Springs is gentrified and all of the garbage is gone.

I was born and raised here. The people who hate the changes are the ones who have been left behind.
Oh the liberal cope in here is delicious.

Notice how they don't mention the race of the guy who shot up the club? Totally the right wing's fault though. Retards.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Everytime the mayor or city council does something that goes again the GOP too much, the state government comes right in and "sets them straight." The idea that this city's problems are because of "failed democrat leadership" at the local level ignores the massive amount of meddling Austin deals with from the state government.

When Austin "Defunded" the police, we merely set our police budget to be more in line with what other texas cities spend per capita. Turns out for some reason Austin was spending more per capita than places like Dallas... that's pretty fiscally irresponsible if you ask me. But now the fiscal conservatives in the Republican Party want to punish Austin for "defunding the police." So strange how the party of small government acts in this state. Originally Posted by austintoast
It could simply be a coincidence but I doubt it. Seems that better than 9 of 10 of these types of incidents occur in cities controlled by democrats. Republicans are certainly not perfect but you can't ignore that fact. Portland anyone? Geesh
The way this town is sliding more and more into a Californian dystopian hellhole, the more of this shit you're going to see.

When I saw the news and heard it was 6th st, I wasn't surprised at all. That place is like San Francisco's Tenderloin trying to pretend it's Bourbon St. It was a shithole when I moved here, and it's only gotten worse. It's a slum.

Seems that moving south, nothing much changes, a vote for democrats is a vote for drug addled vagrants and gang violence. Just like in every major liberal city.
Seems that better than 9 or 10 of these types of incidents occur in cities controlled by democrats
Most cities are run by democrats. In most countries, urban areas trend liberal. I'm not sure there is a correlation between democrat leadership and high crime.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Democratic mayors oversaw 64 of the 100 largest cities at the beginning of 2021. Go see how many of those 64 are in the top 100 most dangerous cities. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/blog/top100dangerous. Hint .. it's overwhelmingly democrat run cities.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Without even delving further into this , everyone take note: CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION. Simple statistics.
Little Monster's Avatar
Democratic mayors oversaw 64 of the 100 largest cities at the beginning of 2021. Go see how many of those 64 are in the top 100 most dangerous cities. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/blog/top100dangerous. Hint .. it's overwhelmingly democrat run cities. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Hint, the bigger the population, the more crime. That's called common sense
Little Monster's Avatar
Any suggestions or answers?

After all it's a Democratic City...
Defunding PD?
Never thought Austin would be compared to South Chicago..Very disappointed
and that's why I won't go there.
Good Luck girls..just be careful.

I always have visited Austin with meeting very nice gents but NEVER when watching the news today what I saw on the news..Austin needs a wakeup because
it's becoming a City of this is the result of a Demo Mayor who hates the Austin PD..You go figure?
Originally Posted by Rachelina
Awesome, well then there's San Antonio & Waco. Have fun.
Hint, the bigger the population, the more crime. That's called common sense Originally Posted by Little Monster
Absolutely, which is why you don't look at the raw number, but do it per 1000,10000,100000 population. Then you get more interesting results.