Something more than "yes" or "no"?

bushwhacker's Avatar
At the bottom of the review form is the dreaded "Yes" or "No" button. I find myself wishing for some more in-between options, or a free-form field instead of or in addition to the two-way button.

I've had sessions that were OK, but not all that wonderful. Maybe it was bad chemistry, or maybe one of us showed up late and put the whole session under stress. Maybe the moon was in the wrong phase. Would I recommend her? Often the answer is "yes and no" or "it depends on how much I like you!" Sometimes she was OK, but she wasn't great. I'd like to be able to indicate that. "Yes" just sounds like a 100% endorsement, and "no" sounds like a 100% rejection.

I also suspect there are hobbyists out there who wouldn't pick the "no" button unless the provider actually set his pants on fire (and not in a good way) or gave actual birth to a child during the session. Providing a third option might get a little more honesty in the review's arguably most important section.
buttlover7777's Avatar

Your avatar needs to work on her grooming.

When I feel like you're describing, I qualify my "YES" in the details section. That way those with "Premium Access" can understand where you are coming from and make their own decision based on your hopefully detailed info. Guys who don't have "Premium Access" need to hurry up and get it.
Htowner's Avatar
I have not posted a review here but on P , you could say yes or no, hit Submit, and then hit Edit, and change it to whatever you wanted it to be as some members liked to changed it to Hell Yeah, or otherwise.

One thing to be careful however, is to make sure it is concise and to the point, otherwise you will be posting what really should remain in PA area.

I don't see any problem saying, chemistry wasn't there, but Yes based on all else.
Another example would be Yes but not repeat material.
Once you get too much into it, then you might as well leave it all in the open.
swwaustin's Avatar
I have not posted a review here but on P , you could say yes or no, hit Submit, and then hit Edit, and change it to whatever you wanted Originally Posted by Htowner
Yeah, I have done that, but I would also like more options than Yes/No, some kind of rating scale would be nice 0-10.
Yeah, I have done that, but I would also like more options than Yes/No, some kind of rating scale would be nice 0-10. Originally Posted by swwaustin
One man's 0 is another man's 10. Would counsel against it.
swwaustin's Avatar
One man's 0 is another man's 10. Would counsel against it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Understood, It is all subjective, the same goes for the opinion of Yes and No. I would think a rating scale would at least give us a more accurate indication of how confidant a hobbyist is in his recommendation. Several of my experiences have been 10's, and I have had several that are around 6's, but they all look the same with a Yes.
Understood, It is all subjective, the same goes for the opinion of Yes and No. I would think a rating scale would at least give us a more accurate indication of how confidant a hobbyist is in his recommendation. Several of my experiences have been 10's, and I have had several that are around 6's, but they all look the same with a Yes. Originally Posted by swwaustin
I tend to hover between 3 and 7. To me, it takes an exceptional time for me to rate it as 8, 9 or 10. I have yet to experience that. However, I have had a couple of 0s. The NCNS was a 0, as was the lady that gave me 20 minutes when I booked 60. Even the lady that had a pussy that smelled like shit rated a 1--higher than the other 2 put together. But I grade pretty hard, which is why I would be against it.

Most reviews I read are not hard reviews. They say what a great time the guy had, and what a great entertainer the lady is. But I still think these puff reviews are a little (not much) better than a rating scale.

Just my € 0.014762.
swwaustin's Avatar
But I grade pretty hard, which is why I would be against it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Yeah, I guess so. Now that I think about it I have never really had a 10, just a 10 in comparison to my other experiences. If I have a really good session that I would rank as the best 10, then I would have to reevaluate my past 10's, and then shit we just start making everything pretty complicated. One of the reasons I liked the idea, was because I thought it would be interesting to be able to check the averages of the ladies. The YES/NO system is simple, sometimes simplicity is the best.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 03-02-2010, 09:11 PM
I'm sure everything can be solved with comments. Don't change the Avatar, women do have pubes you know. If you don't like them and if she likes you she might let you shave her, and that is fun too!