Wednesday night...Time to get out of the cave :)

Numbah79's Avatar
So I'm feeling a little restless today, is anybody planning on going out anywhere? If not I might just head over to Cowboys for the music and ogle the college girls getting their dance on.
Ohhhh you naughty boy! I kinda feel like going to D and B's to play games lol
drinks and appetizers leading to dinner on the patio at Stonewerks is always nice.....
Numbah79's Avatar
Ohhhh you naughty boy! I kinda feel like going to D and B's to play games lol Originally Posted by Pepper_Springfield
How late are they open? I might skate a bit and take off early, but thats still 930/945 ish. And I'm not being naughty, just acting on the impulse to rejoin humanity every so often!
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
I was kinda thinking about hittin a SC but not sure if I am or not

I might be up for some D&B too
Stonewerks plays live music on weekends or so I have heard a bird tell me so.
I'm in for D & me Pepper
Numbah79's Avatar
Well I've never been to a D and B before so I'm bout to duck out of work early and go check it out. If its so so then I'm amendable to relocating somewhere else. If all else fails, Cowboys it is. /chuckles. Pepper you can gimme a ring or Text if you decide on heading there. Cheers all!
I just got out of class guys! They are open till midnight Its only open late on weekends
And Dennis I luv Stonewerks! I was just there recently
Numbah79's Avatar
D n b looks ok. Might be more fun with a group. And dammit, the band is on vacation this week at cowboys! Go figure. :P. Ah well. Decent tunes out here at least!
How about karaoke?
Numbah79's Avatar
Shoulda got my info from pepper nicki- I'm parked at Cowboys atm tossing money around at the bar for drinks, but I enjoy quality kareoke singers. Its good to be the king isl I'm gonna say !
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
I ended up just grabbin a bite and headin back home
Numbah79's Avatar
Well I made it back to mi casa but my prior observations still stand. 'Twas a good night is all I'm gonna say.