I don't understand the Republicans and Tea Party candidates

They rail against the evils of big government, yet they want to become the leader of that evil. Can someone tell be where the logic is in that?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2011, 06:14 PM
They rail against the evils of big government, yet they want to become the leader of that evil. Can someone tell be where the logic is in that? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Yea that all wanna be like their hero , Reagan. Rail aganist big government while at the same time expanding it!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-15-2011, 06:59 PM
They also think the entire bible should be enacted into law via constitutional amendment......except the part about helping poor people.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-15-2011, 07:03 PM
They rail against the evils of big government, yet they want to become the leader of that evil. Can someone tell be where the logic is in that? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
They're not against big government, that's just a ruse. What they're against is paying for it.
The Insane Clown Posse starting a thread! There's no point explaining any of this to you. American principles are foreign to you. You don't need to understand, you just need to be defeated.....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
actionjackson647's Avatar
thr tea party is unable to think for themselves. they just regurgitate what they hear on talk radio and take anything limbaugh,hannity,beck et al says as the gospel truth.
thr tea party is unable to think for themselves. they just regurgitate what they hear on talk radio and take anything limbaugh,hannity,beck et al says as the gospel truth. Originally Posted by actionjackson647

though you're well-qualified, there's only 3 stooges, not 4, and we're full up....
Randy4Candy's Avatar
They also think the entire bible should be enacted into law via constitutional amendment......except the part about helping poor people. Originally Posted by Doove
LOL, you got that one right! Oh, and the part about "love thy neighbor," too - uh, that is unless they disagree with you...hee hee hee.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
though you're well-qualified, there's only 3 stooges, not 4, and we'refull up.... Originally Posted by Marshall

That means you're...ummm, Larry?
They also think the entire bible should be enacted into law via constitutional amendment......except the part about helping poor people. Originally Posted by Doove
define "poor people" , and where do they reside?whats your plan? what are you currently doing to change someones situation?
Most of us who identify with the Tea Party can in fact think for ourselves so before lumping us all into lazy stereotypes foist upon us by those who believe they know more than those of us that actually produce something of value for a living, do a bit of research and make up your own mind. From the boys at Freakonomics who have interesting and intelligent takes on many subjects:
It Turns Out Conservatives Really Are Compassionate
Stephen J. Dubner
Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University whose work involves public policy and philanthropy, has written a new book called Who Really Cares: America’s Charity Divide: Who Gives, Who Doesn’t, and Why It Matters. His boldface conclusion? As summarized in this interesting article, Brooks found that “religious conservatives donate far more money than secular liberals to all sorts of charitable activities, irrespective of income.”

Of course there are lies, damn lies and statistics and one can make a poll say what one wants by carefully crafting the questions asked but this particular canard of liberals has been empirically shot down many a time.

If you’re going to put down people who believe in the absurd notion that "We" shouldn't bind our heirs to the servitude of our debt as well as the ravages of inflation to satisfy our need to do what "We" "feel" is the right thing to do today in spite of running up more debt than the world has ever known, then please offer a rational suggestion of how to pay for it beyond the pabulum of "tax the rich". Read some Ayn Rand and see if life today may not be imitating art of forty odd years ago. If the IRS confiscated 100% of all income over $250,000 per year we wouldn't come close to closing the annual deficit much less lay a pinky on the national debt not to mention forcing precious capital towards the least productive segment of the GNP.

The Tea Party movement was and is about the fiscal cliff "We" are hanging over. Our parents and grandparents didn't do what "We" are about to do to our heirs. Our world is no different than theirs yet "We" are about to do what would have been unimaginable by them a generation or two ago. Many of us who understand finance know we have moments remaining to alter our ways or step off the cliff "We" are now hanging over and do to our heirs what "We" would consider morally unjust had it been done to us. The sad part is this is most certainly not an inevitability.

We have only to look abroad to socialist leaning countries to see today what Margret Thatcher saw so clearly so many years ago when she proclaimed "The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

So, and in the immortal words of Denis Miller at the close of one of his infamous rants, "Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong". But the Tea Party is not and that certain knowledge is what really pisses intelligent liberals off. That's why they must continually resort to lazy stereotypical insults preached to them by the likes of Mathews, Krugman, Huffington et al.
I B Hankering's Avatar
thr tea party is unable to think for themselves. they just regurgitate what they hear on talk radio and take anything limbaugh,hannity,beck et al says as the gospel truth. Originally Posted by actionjackson647
Your closed-minded, ad hominem dismissal of those you disagree with in no way validates your claim to intellectual ascendancy.
They're not against big government, that's just a ruse. What they're against is paying for it. Originally Posted by Doove
What isnt getting funded? Cmon , youve even acknowledged in the past we could fix problems by just eliminating fraud.Theres plenty of money collected in NYS.What happened to the education fund that was going to come from the NYS thruway toll proceeds? that road was paid off a llooooong time ago, and I do know theres been plenty of toll hikes in the interim. Ive driven on it!!LOL!!..They seem to have enough money to install the electronic road signs that display moronic messages,what ever happened to conserving electricity?plenty of cash to install red light cameras and "crime cams" on every other street corner. The city is continually building mixed use dwellings for the poor at taxpayer funding....on and on.. Cmon DOOVE...how bout BARE BARE"S ONE BILLION DOLLARS , just to try and get re -elected, if hes doing such a grand job, why so much needed? why cant some of that be funneled to whoever you consider poor?and anyone that says our savior isnt living like a king up there while people are scrambling is being patently dishonest. Where the HELL!! does all the lottery money go ??!LOL!! seriously, I dont know, but would like too if anyone can answer that..
Iaintliein's Avatar
They rail against the evils of big government, yet they want to become the leader of that evil. Can someone tell be where the logic is in that? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
If you're really interested I suggest you attend a meeting and actually listen to the people there. Then, you can share with them your ideas about how to shrink government without gaining the leadership of the government. I know I'd like to hear your proposal.
macdeft's Avatar
I will give the Tea Party this, they actually get off their asses and DO something when they are unhappy rather than sitting around their desks, blogging and pissing and moaning about what a shitty job the government is doing.