Outdated references??

Ladies generally when you screen someone how long is it between a provider and a client before the reference becomes outdated? I’ve seen 2 providers this year 1 in April and 1 in August. I was always under the assumption that 6 months between the meeting and when your being screened was a good rule of thumb to follow. Any feedback helps.
Doglegg's Avatar
Not a lady, but my experience has been....ymmv.

Some providers -

1) Will not vouch for you in the mistaken belief they are losing your business.

2) Only have a 60 day window in which they WILL vouch for you.

3) Some will only vouch as you say within 6 months

4) Some, based on your reputation and demeanor will vouch for you after a year.

Now for those accepting vouches -

1) Some will only accept vouches from certain providers (good luck figuring out THAT fucking codex).

2) Some will only accept refs and vouches within 60 days, some within 6 months, some from longer.

3) If your refs are old or out of date (as are mine), it depends on the provider.

So what’s the honest to gosh truth of the whole matter?

It’s kinda like adult diapers...it Depends.

I hope I was able to help in clarifying that particular quagmire for you.

If you can’t get in based on old creds, move on to one that will.

It sometimes helps to know someone that knows someone that can put in a good word.

Again, reputation and demeanor, in my opinion only, counts for a bit, but then I have known some real assholes that flow through this without an issue.

Good luck and happy hunting.
Thanks it does help a lot. I am always trying to keep good vibes between myself and providers I’ve seen. I was more curious for a “just in case” type of scenario that I may or may not run into. Before I reach out to the provider I usually check to see what their preferences are for references. If I feel it may not be helpful I usually just keep going. Unless it’s someone I’m dying to meet I’ll just ask. If all fails just keep moving.
It is best practice to inform your references you are going to use them. Some of us (namely ME) are very....lax about logging into this site. I had a reference request sitting in my inbox since Sunday.

Gentlemen, if you use me as a reference please GIVE MY NUMBER to the girl so she can text me AFTER she PM’s or emails me. They get a quick response and I don’t feel guilty for giving late references.
Amazing thank you !
Doglegg's Avatar
TL89, you absolutely cannot go wrong if you are able to see SA Angel.

A fantastic young lady, highly recommended.
For me, about a year. I try to be flexible because I understand some clients have long gaps in between when they can see companions for a variety of reasons. But there is a certain point when the legitimacy of a reference is greatly diminished.

I've received reference requests that were two or going on three years old. If a companion asks me about a suitor I've seen within the last several months, I reply back promptly, sometimes within minutes. However, if too much time has passed since I last met the person in question, it gives me pause.
Dr Grey's Avatar
6 months to one year should be ok. That is of course you ask them if that's ok. Usually after a session, before leaving, ask the provider you just saw if they can provide a reference for you. They'll be aware and remember you asked. Then of course, PM or text them to follow up later on. Might mention after a session that it could be 5 to 6 months you'll ask them for the reference. Most might be cool with it if you're a good guy. Seeing how you don't hobby often, I can see it working out for you for even longer if arranged with the right lady.
Good points doctor!