An insult to woman everywhere

berryberry's Avatar
USA Today's utter insult to American women compounded by Susan Rice.

Susan Rice - Congratulations to the trailblazing HHS_ASH Admiral Rachel Levine on being named one of USATODAY’s Women of the Year. Your leadership during this pandemic has been vital.

What the fuck !!!!!!!!!!

Rachel Levine is one of USA TODAY’s Women of the Year, a recognition of women across the country who have made a significant impact. The annual program is a continuation of Women of the Century, a 2020 project that commemorated the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote. Meet this year’s honorees at
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Brought to you by the same people who drone on about “the science”.
berryberry's Avatar
Brought to you by the same people who drone on about “the science”. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
These idiots wouldn't recognize real science if t hit them in the face. These are the same people who thing old Richard Rachel Levine can get pregnant

You’re correct. It’s insulting. Similar to seeing somebody in black face. I feel awful for the legitimate woman who was runner up for this award. The woman who probably did give birth to a child, who had to struggle go to work or school during her period, who had to experience sexual harassment, who probably gets paid less in her field Solely because of her gender.
eyecu2's Avatar
It sounds like gender identity in adults is also another thing that pisses off Repturds. Yet some of you funny lads have Tranny fetishes. I guess it's ok to hate in the name of the GOP today. Now I'll agree that Rachel is an unfortunate looking person, but I'm certain many of you don't ring out as Brad Pitt, or a turd in his toilet sometimes. I digress....go on haters.
A grownup person demanding that everyone pretends that they are a gender that doesn’t align with their body parts actually doesn’t bother me. I could care less. The fact that schools, therapists, doctors, and courts are pushing this on parents is what I have an issue with. Gender disforia is a mental problem. The unfortunate children who are experiencing this, because it’s spoon fed to them by society and pop culture, need mental help. Instead they are getting encouraged to take medicine and undergo procedures that are extremely dangerous. Of course a lib will pretend that this is transphobic and a conspiracy theory but I truly believe this is all pushed by the major pharmaceutical companies that profit billions a year on the alleged transgender community. Puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, the multiple cosmetic surgeries that have horrible success rates…. The complications are endless and transgender ideology is riddled with contradictions. Yet this is being shoved in our faces daily and we’re forced to accept it. Dave chappelle brought up some amazing points in his past few specials. Many people wanted to cancel him for it but in reality is was justified.
... Candace Owens surely NAILED THIS on Tucker Carlson's show
this evening. ... maybe Elizabeth Warren is owed a good apology.

WHY can't she be a American Indian - IF Rachel Levine can be a woman?

Seeing as we're NOT following the science with this issue.

You know what it's gonna take to end all this fakery?
Two or three lads walking on to play girl's basketball
or girl's football at school. ... NOT wearing wigs or
declaring to be "women" now -- no need for that.
Just saying "I'm gonna go play for the girl's team."

Who is gonna STOP them?? ... Society?
Fat chance - in this sad age of "the WOKE"... ...

#### Salty
Another wonderful circle jerk going on up in here!!!!

Nice sausage party, you fuckin circle jerks, hehehehe
bambino's Avatar
Another wonderful circle jerk going on up in here!!!!

Nice sausage party, you fuckin circle jerks, hehehehe Originally Posted by Minka Fox
Well, the truth of the matter is, “Admiral” Levine has the tools to join in!!!
berryberry's Avatar
It sounds like gender identity in adults is also another thing that pisses off Repturds. Yet some of you funny lads have Tranny fetishes. I guess it's ok to hate in the name of the GOP today. Now I'll agree that Rachel is an unfortunate looking person, but I'm certain many of you don't ring out as Brad Pitt, or a turd in his toilet sometimes. I digress....go on haters. Originally Posted by eyecu2
So you think this guy is an actual woman?
That is what you believe?

So when are you coughing up $300 to go bang your next tranny?

I don't care what a someone like this does in private but this is an insult to real women everywhere who actually qualify for this award. HE IS NOT A WOMAN.

And the scary part is libtards are trying to push this bullshit on the younger generation. That is why libtards were so bent out of shape when the great Governor DeSantis stopped this bullshit in schools in Florida recently
I believe Levine will persuade more women to get prostate exams.
berryberry's Avatar
USATODAY’s Woman of the Year:

chizzy's Avatar
It sounds like gender identity in adults is also another thing that pisses off Repturds. Yet some of you funny lads have Tranny fetishes. I guess it's ok to hate in the name of the GOP today. Now I'll agree that Rachel is an unfortunate looking person, but I'm certain many of you don't ring out as Brad Pitt, or a turd in his toilet sometimes. I digress....go on haters. Originally Posted by eyecu2
yes it does because we actually believe in science. you are born either a male or female based on your chromosome makeup, pure and simple. fuck this gender identity bullshit. that is a mental condition that truely only affects a very very small amount of people. Dont tell me because william decides to be a female that i need to accept that and think its okay to let him be in the girls locker room with my daughter. fuck anyone who believes this horseshit. I honestly cant believe you fucking liberals are this stupid.
It sounds like gender identity in adults is also another thing that pisses off Repturds. Yet some of you funny lads have Tranny fetishes. I guess it's ok to hate in the name of the GOP today. Now I'll agree that Rachel is an unfortunate looking person, but I'm certain many of you don't ring out as Brad Pitt, or a turd in his toilet sometimes. I digress....go on haters. Originally Posted by eyecu2
... Go on with ya, mate. ... I was even ready to defend
yer opinion - but it DOES NOT address the issue at hand.

All YOU mention is Levine's LOOKS... You act like the only
reason we're complaining is because Levine looks like
George Washington.... And yet - WE are concerned with
the SCIENCE (or LACK of it) ISSUE with the whole thing.

### Salty
They say something is a scientific fact, when you ask for the data, the only reasoning is “because I said so”. That’s gender ideology in a nutshell.