Trump is off his game

berryberry's Avatar
I said this in the discussion about the PA Senate and Governor race discussions. Trump is off his game and he needs to wake the hell up. He is living in the past, more concerned about stroking his own ego with his endorsement record and addressing his grievances. But we have seen that most voters aren't focused on the past. Yes we absolutely need to fix the fraudulent voting mechanisms that are out there in various states. But people look forward. People are more concerned about Senile Biden's crushing inflation, destruction of the US Energy Industry, Wide Open Borders lettings millions of dirtbag illegals in, etc.

We saw this with Trump's disaster of an endorsement of Liberal Oz because he was pissed McCormick turned him down twice for cabinet appointments. Oz may win now but I suspect he will get beat in November and bring down the whole GOP slate in PA

Now yesterday Trump's candidates for Governor and Secretary of State were trounced. Not just defeated. Blown out.

I hope Trump takes this as a wake-up call and refocuses on what the majority of people care about. He likely cost the GOP the Senate in 2020 with his comments in the Georgia Senate runoff. Between that and these recent primary results, I hope he finally realizes he needs to look forward and focus on what people want, like he did in his first campaign

And no - this doesn't mean I dislike Trump. On the contrary, I support him. But he needs to refocus IMO (others may disagree
Jacuzzme's Avatar
His record on endorsements is pretty stellar, setting aside a couple. It is pretty stupid though to be making endorsements some measure of himself, imo. Let the primaries work themselves out and focus on the winning candidate in the generals.
berryberry's Avatar
On the face, yes his record of endorsements is good - but I have talked before how a lot of it is BS just to stroke his ego. I used the example of IN and OH where he went 22-0. But only 2 of those 22 races were competitive. Many ran unopposed. Easy to have a winning record picking unopposed candidates or waiting til near the end and picking the frontrunner.

Same principal applies in the PA Gov race. Does anyone really think Trump endorsing Mastriano 3 days before the election when Mastriano was the front runner by a large margin made any difference? It was just an exercise in ego stroking IMO

In the high profile competitive races, it has been a mixed bag. In any case, I agree with you that it is pretty stupid to be making endorsements some measure of himself. Let the primaries work themselves out and focus on the winning candidate in the generals.

And move on from 2020 grievances and start focusing on issues that matter to people in 2024
... Been nice talking to ya.

### Salty
When is he going to invoice Mexico for that really shitty wall?