Provider Request to remove Phone Number

RustyNot74's Avatar
I posted the very first review on NicoleNaughty. She was anxious for the review and realizes now she did not want her number on my review. She has politely asked that I remove it. How do I make that happen? Thanks.
Done. If there is a next time, please pick a moderator of your choice and send pm request that way.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I was about to PM him to say the same thing.. you deleted the number fast, I saw it 6 minutes ago.. my concern was that this post would cause many to see the number, who otherwise would never see it.

by the way, this was not her first review.. all 4 of the other reviewers blanked out her phone number.
There are some things on this site that are better off left private in a PM conversation.
RustyNot74's Avatar
thank you all. I'm not that familiar with the dos and donts. I had tried in the PM but possibly not patient enough, since it did happen quickly. thanks again.