Sen. Airhead...............

Boston Herald: Elizabeth Warren Won’t List Herself as Massachusetts’ First Native American U.S. Senator

Warren knows if she lists herself as Native American, the Congressional Historical Staff will have to do a confirmation, looking into her genealogy.....she will be proven to be a liar and native american phony.
The democrat who can't define 'middle class" but knows an indian when she sees one (by the cheekbones)!

Budman's Avatar
Maybe Joe Biden can get her a job at 7-11. That should be enough proof. Oh damn, wrong indian. I guess she's fucked.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Old news, lil' Scotty Brown couldn't get any traction with this horse-phucky during the election and he had $$Millions$$ backing him. Do you think you'll do any better?

Ooops, I forgot - we're in Trending-Towards-Delusionland, here. Silly me.