Dentists in the area?

TiffanyKC's Avatar
I am looking for a dentist in the metro area. I'm sure some or even most entrepreneurs do not have insurance and I would just like my teeth cleaned and keep them looking perfect If anyone knows someone who would be willing to work something out with me, please let me know

Thank you gentlemen for your time.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Every dentist I've ever met gave me the creep vibe.

Be glad to refer you to mine, though. His assistant does great work and I'm around creeps 24/7, even when I'm home alone, so he don't bother me.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Here in Wichita the University Dental school give reduced cost cleanings. You get a student, but they are well supervised. It would no doubt be a treat for them to work on your teeth. When you're done, I might be able to polish them for you.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 06-08-2011, 03:13 PM
If anyone knows someone who would be willing to work something out with me, please let me know Originally Posted by TiffanyKC
I was about to send her a PM recommending my dentist who i really like, but after i reread her statement, I don't think I'd want to refer someone who was trying to barter for services.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
When you're done, I might be able to polish them for you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You actually made a funny. I'm so proud of you.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Tiffany, try the UMKC dental school, but don't offer an exchange of services. I believe they are free or subsidized for qualifying patients.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thanks, KC! There's hope we could enjoy an adult beverage together after all.
I recently went on the waiting list for the UMKC dental school. They told me it would be months and I became discouraged - it actually took only three weeks to get a call back. I went to the initial visit and paid around $65-$70 for a cleaning, exam and x-rays. I needed a crown (I knew that) and I was sticker shocked by my regular dentist. I was assigned a last year student who was incredible, he performed my procedures for his final grade, all told I had four fillings (one very complicated), one root canal and one crown. Total estimated cost at my dentist (who is somewhat inexpensive for Overland Park), was approximately $3,200.00. Total paid at the UMKC School of Dentistry (which was supervised directly by an attending and checked by two professors and performed under nitrous - ahhhhh, nitrous oxide, yummy) -

wait for it . . . .

$345.00. Complete. There was / is a small and reasonable charge for the nitrous but it covers you for all subsequent visits (around $55.00).


I will never pay full price for dentistry services again.

Are there a few drawbacks, certainly! You must be patient - you may sit in a chair for five hours and then come back the same day after lunch for even more chair time - I did, but it saved me THOUSANDS . . . Plus, you need to realize that you are giving up a bit of privacy (the rooms are open and there are A LOT of people - it is literally chair after chair after chair) . . but, I phone my student directly to schedule and he likes to stare at my tits so he gets me right in. He knows I am an Escort and asked if he could look me up when he started making real money. LOL.

Next is some cosmetic work, my DDS in Overland Park wanted $4,200.00 to complete and pushed a finance agreement in front of me when he gave me the estimate (which come to find out - HE OWNS the finance company, talk about A] a conflict of interest and B] possibly an illegal collusion) . . .

The total cost at UMKC will be . . .


Un - fucking - believable.


- Jackie
  • KCJF1
  • 06-08-2011, 11:56 PM
I can also vouch for the quality of care at UMKC Dental. Maybe if you PM Jackie, she can get you the contact info on the student that worked on her. I had a friend refer me to the student dentist that was working on him and I got in within a few weeks. The biggest drawback is the waiting sometimes. But since you presumably have a flexible schedule, you should be able to work something out. If you don't want any diagnosis, x rays, etc, and just want a cleaning you might check Johnson County community college, Penn Valley, etc. I think some of them have hygenist programs and may be looking for folks to practice on. I'd just pay the few hundred up front to get REAL care at the dental school though.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ahem . . . UMKC Fighting Kangaroo graduate here!
Jackie; I love Nitrous too. Best daydreams ever!!
TiffanyKC's Avatar
Thank you very much, you all crack me up, lol. And thank you Jackie

I do just need a routine cleaning and "check-up" persae, I may just go to my regular dentist and it will probably be more affordable than I think.

I appreciate the help! Everyone is so friendly here!
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I wonder if I can stop by for a few minutes just pay the $55, and let them hide me in the closet for a couple hours.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Jackie; I love Nitrous too. Best daydreams ever!! Originally Posted by catnipdipper

For the ladies, please inform a Dentist if you are pregnant. Nitrous oxide will affect the child. It is critical when working around the stuff to know about this special consideration.

KC Dental School is a quality school. Years ago I some contacts at the school and offered some rooms in my home for use by some of the students, they were all great people. Just remember, that the students are trying to do their best work. But the instructors are some of the best Dentists in the world. The work is monitored by the instructors.

JRLawrence's Avatar
Sorry if I stepped on a thread. I tried to cancel this post when I noticed the last post was June; it didn't happen.