Have "they" lost their minds?

Looking at listings and seems like $400-500 is a common starting point now, and often jumps to $700+

What has happened since I was last around?
CatMan4u's Avatar
Well i don't know real ansers but my opinion is they feel like they are entitled to that rate. There must be enough of you KC guys willing to pay that much. I ve been working up this way for 4 to 5 months and and haven't been able to make amy appts that they will keep and i am selective on who i see so i quit trying and i ll pay up to 400$
So i just stay seeing my regulars so they can starve or change jobs i fking don't care
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
It's not that they feel they are entitled, it's cause guys, a lot of guys, are paying it.
I know traveling gals that have even higher rates.
Making a long-term deal with a local gal(s) is perhaps your answer.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Yes that's a good solution and you guys have one traveling lady i paid 450$ to and is very very well worth it i will see her in a New York second when schedules line up hell i may take another vacation to het area but mean time i have several regulars that are very good
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 11-08-2024, 01:04 PM
Some of them post different rates on different sites. Also, ladies themselves on X have posted that some gals post the high rates to give themselves negotiating room. Not everything is set in stone. At times, I've inquired about a ladies rate and when she quotes high, I don't respond. Sometimes, they come back with a lower rate.
CatMan4u's Avatar
I look at lots more then just rates
Activities offered
body size
any reviews here
They finally decicde if they are worth their asking rate at what ever amount
So i look at the total package