9:02 AM, OK City April 19, 1995

shooter6.5's Avatar
Our world changed.

And it has been ever since.

Take a little time and think about it.

That day a lot of things changed, and there is no going back.
Did they really change?

Timothy McVeigh was a anarchist. He was also a criminal by committing murder. He paid the ultimate price for his crimes.

There are those in this a country right now, on both extremes of the political see-saw, that would do the same thing if they got the chance.

When you throw in those Religious Fanatics that are willing to blow anybody or anything up in the name of their God, you can see that things have not changed much at all.

The simple fact is, through due diligence, we will try to kill them before they can kill us.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-19-2014, 12:41 PM
Did they really change?

Timothy McVeigh was a anarchist. He was also a criminal by committing murder. He paid the ultimate price for his crimes.

There are those in this a country right now, on both extremes of the political see-saw, that would do the same thing if they got the chance.

When you throw in those Religious Fanatics that are willing to blow anybody or anything up in the name of their God, you can see that things have not changed much at all.

The simple fact is, through due diligence, we will try to kill them before they can kill us. Originally Posted by Jackie S

them being the keyword... McVey acted alone ... next to impossible to stop.

wasn't it?

sad day indeed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If McVeigh acted alone why is Terry Nichols in prison for the same crime and what happened to the other suspect?

I will take issue with Jackie, the right (the real conservatives) look to the law for guidance and we revere the Constitution as the way to solve our problems. Don't confuse radical racists for members of the conservative right just like don't confuse a conservative for a republican. The left on the other hand think the Constitution is either wrong or hasn't got the answer yet. They don't like the rules because the current rules prevent them from doing what they want. They are more likely to commit acts of violence than anyone else.

The proof is that no a single conservative has tried to assassinate a US president. Anarchist, socialists, freaks, nut jobs, and the very confused but no conservatives. Another case in point, imagine an Occupy event numbering in the thousands but add guns, lots of guns like were in Nevada most recently. Would it end peacefully like it did in Nevada? You know the answer. An armed Occupy, left wing event would end in a blood bath.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-19-2014, 01:01 PM
If McVeigh acted alone why is Terry Nichols in prison for the same crime and what happened to the other suspect?

I will take issue with Jackie, the right (the real conservatives) look to the law for guidance and we revere the Constitution as the way to solve our problems. Don't confuse radical racists for members of the conservative right just like don't confuse a conservative for a republican. The left on the other hand think the Constitution is either wrong or hasn't got the answer yet. They don't like the rules because the current rules prevent them from doing what they want. They are more likely to commit acts of violence than anyone else.

The proof is that no a single conservative has tried to assassinate a US president. Anarchist, socialists, freaks, nut jobs, and the very confused but no conservatives. Another case in point, imagine an Occupy event numbering in the thousands but add guns, lots of guns like were in Nevada most recently. Would it end peacefully like it did in Nevada? You know the answer. An armed Occupy, left wing event would end in a blood bath. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

alone compared to a larger terrorist cell you fucking idiot
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How do you know Mr. Communist agitator? Because of a Clinton-Reno investigation? Excuse me but I would rather have some real pros work the case rather than some political hack and a rug muncher.

Of course you still have answered the question about the third suspect.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-19-2014, 01:52 PM
fucking republicans couldn't keep tabs on 13 terrorists deep in the heart of the mid east and stop them from knocking down the WTC, I cant understand how the government missed two in Oklahoma
I B Hankering's Avatar
fucking dim-retards couldn't keep tabs on the pilot terrorists deep in the heart of the United States training for fucking months and stop them from knocking down the WTC, I cant understand how the government missed two in Oklahoma Originally Posted by CJ7
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-19-2014, 02:17 PM
you fixed that for you not me

now, I'll fix you

The End
LexusLover's Avatar
alone compared to a larger terrorist cell you fucking idiot Originally Posted by CJ7
Actually "alone" means "by oneself"!

Unless, of course, one gets called out for being wrong ...

.... and then tries to "adjust' meaning to appear "all knowing"!

It's not your first time, and I'm sure it won't be your last. Your "MO"!
LexusLover's Avatar
fucking republicans couldn't keep tabs on 13 terrorists deep in the heart of the mid east and stop them from knocking down the WTC, I cant understand how the government missed two in Oklahoma Originally Posted by CJ7

because from 1995 until January 2001 ... it was the "fucking" (literally) Clinton's administration ("Democrats"?)... minding the "fort"! ....

.. and the first attempt on the WTC was in 1993.... uhhhhh.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-19-2014, 02:47 PM

because from 1995 until January 2001 ... it was the "fucking" (literally) Clinton's administration ("Democrats"?)... minding the "fort"! ....

.. and the first attempt on the WTC was in 1993.... uhhhhh. Originally Posted by LexusLover

go practice your math
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yet another memorial thread turned into a partisan circle jerk by the Idiot brothers.

Why is it so necessary for every fucking thread to be a "I'm right, so you're wrong," thing, which virtually always devolves into name calling, lies and infantile bullshit?

Look where this comes from.

JCM800's Avatar
Well, they aren't called the Idiot Twins for nothing.
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